What if there were no U.S. Entrepreneurship During the last century, 1910 - 2010?

There is much talk today about the threat to the U.S. industry is world domination by China or India, whose great man of power, at least $ / h, capable of producing outside of the United States. Cars, washing machines, cameras, cell phones, etc..? Or what if the "horse and buggy" technology has continued in the United States during the past century - none of the above inventions and innovations has been achieved?

seems to consider the political and economic reality, there are two opposing points of view - one that 'government'responsible for a high standard of living for citizens unable or unwilling, to provide for themselves ("the distribution of wealth" from rich and redistribute it among the poorest) - against the belief that the success of businesses increases the standard of life for all - and is rewarded with the best incentives for innovation through rich, point to reach the small percentage of creative risk-takers in public.

The differential visibility of the above has been highlightedduring a debate of Connecticut Senate candidates when Linda McMahon (R) Dick Blumenthal (D) asked how to create a job? "Blumenthal response was General on the activities of government, lasting well over a minute, and McMahon (with a background in the private sector) responded in a few seconds:" A job was created by an entrepreneur with the idea of a product or service, and financial risk.

Today is the speech that the U.S. will surpass China as soon as find the bestcost producer of high-volume goods such as cars, etc. One wonders - what if during the last century, there are in America had no entrepreneurship, no innovative development across the spectrum of all areas of life, from need for luxury goods in the fun - the creation of a more prosperous for all, by providing financial rewards for risk-inventor: cars, electricity, metallurgy, energy, food, telephones, airplanes, etc. There is no doubt that United States - in addition toSave the world from the danger of dictators - by far - the - in the history of civilization (and not coincidentally, the U.S. leads in patents by a huge margin) has opened the way to the highest standard of living? Today we are seeing the classic controversy. is a low-cost labor to make China a world leader in the U.S.? If the question really, "Where's the disincentive effects of heavy taxation of the richest (mainly because of the entrepreneurship-opportunity) coming to an endThe creativity and leadership of the United States? (Note: national borders are no restrictions for the rich.)

You've done all the important inventions change the world - or continue the innovation and entrepreneurship, so the United States to pull herself and the world of ever increasing standards of living? - News stories today described a recent scientific discovery of "super-strong, super-thin carbon filaments" - where possible, that the United States and humanity? Has the final "i-phone" was Wizardyachieved?

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