polygraph tests are not meant for entertainment

Currently, there are several television shows broadcast radio, representing the polygraph as a funny, funny news.

I see the polygraph as shown by the Almighty and tell stars look like in a position for the future.

As a polygraph examiner, I feel compelled to dispel the myths, the carnival atmosphere of the current polygraph program.

These questions show the person who has "tested", like "If my daughter has won £ 200, you stillI love them "and" Do you consider yourself a good man "and my favorite," Have you ever thought of cheating myself? "

With the popularity of these programs, in collaboration with the entertainment industry is well-documented propensity for copying other manufacturers, we expect to see more shows like these appeared in time for the next war assessments.

Now life is fun and the real is real life. What isin the media is absolutely different from what actually happens in the modern, professional polygraph examinations. For example:

Polygraphs do not test a person, hopes, desires or wishes. ("Do you want your wife died?")
Polygraphs do not test the activities that may or may not occur in the future ("If my daughter wins £ 200, will still love her")
Lie detectors are not designed to test the opinions ("Do you consider yourself a good man?")
Lie detectors are not intended toTest header ("If I told you that girl he loved, you say?")

Excel that polygraph tests for certain acts already committed. For example, polygraph testing would never think that someone might commit a crime for the future: the real test would test anyone know if they have already committed a specific crime.

People-watching shows on the process of media-enhanced polygraph examination, are committed to the difference between the will of a crime andCommission of a crime may be down, but it is essential to success, the contracting states polygraph examination.

My fear is that by playing down the press, the general perception among the population is found to be the test detector is a kind of parlor trick.
