channels of information are more fluff news

These channels day can turn just one of the most important news and information brand new stories, but there is also an entertainment value far in this news channel, which is annoying. Some, like "Headline News" does not even attempt more than one supplier of solid news. They are pure tabloid, and usually only do they offer the latest gossip missing or murdered child, woman or what is the latest curiosity always juicy.Others, like Fox News are just fronts for political positions, in this case, the Republican Party, the road seems to care, control of all news programming on Fox very rough e. They also go out of their way to talk to itself "fair and balanced", but the opposite is true, and is transparent to all but the most followers of the public. Michael Moore claims that Fox News has helped W. Bush to push for the 2000 election in favor of Republican candidate George, butIt seems unlikely that the channels could affect election of the news as something as important as the national one. It 's a fact, however, they called the early election in favor of Bush with no real proof that he actually won. Whatever the real story is that we may never know.

We all know that tabloid news "shows like" Entertainment Tonight "and" Extra, all fluff and more concerned about the following celebrities in town, as the coverage of any paparazzireal news, but when Fox News and CNN, supposedly real news station began reporting the same material is trivial, is a cause for concern. Many people have stopped seeing these channels of information as a whole and instead favor the tough and incisive PBS News Hour. This is one of the few remaining news channel, the time to provide the reports of a history, ranging in depth to cover all the different angles. If you are interested inthe facts and not with the twenty-second sound bites to go. This kind of journalism requires investigative journalism done by true professionals.

To be fair, CNN has had some semblance of reporting with Anderson Cooper, one of the few journalists who really is left to leave a story. It 'was taken as evidence of the recent earthquake that Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Gone are the normal average, he was still there was the history and consequences ofthe great earthquake, thousands of dead and many injured and homeless. The struggle continues for the reconstruction of Haiti and you can even turn the channel and CNN's Anderson Cooper on there with Sean Penn, which is much to be admired for his humanitarian work, no matter what you think personally of his liberal politics.

Fox News would never have this kind of reporting on Haiti, and above all not Sean Penn that the Talking Heads as a regular on Fox and Sean Hanittyothers abhor. This is another example of political news regarded as the cloud of investigative journalism and one of the reasons that these news channels are escapism.

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