"Beauty contests are degrading do not you think?

beauty pageants, beauty contests or other means, such as beauty pageants degrade women to mere objects of knowledge. This competition is the exploitation of women by men and women.

A competition based on skill or ability is very good. For example, when eight people were in a race, only one will win. The outcome of a race like this is clear. There is no doubt about who was faster. Such is the case in a match of chess. Someone has to win, or at least go with someone. There is noneed anyone to judge these competitions. All you have to do is look at the result and shows. Perhaps to ensure fair play, an arbitrator or a judge can monitor the process.

Participate in the event of a beauty contest is not art or skill involved. Beauty should be the criteria for the contest. The question is: how can beauty be in competition?

Beauty is a quality in those who see what he or she might say, to be beautiful. A woman can be consideredbeauty of a person may not be so different. A man may like a woman with an hourglass shape. Another may seem like a chubby woman. Do you like the beauty of long hair, a can of other long hair that compare an ugly witch. The beauty is purely subjective. No two people can agree on what is beauty.

But there is "beauty" contests. This is ridiculous. How can a group of men and women, the pompous parade to a group of half naked girls looking pronounce it the best? ThisYoung girls often naive, because it can not show any skill or ability that has put her body in public for review, before an audience of old mischievous and lustful. E 'demeaning to these young girls with a permanent smile, lips pouting and wiggling his butt to see win some stamps from some judges pretentious.

The winner receives a crown and carry "rule" for a year. The rule is actually a cheap publicity for the company and their sponsors. But in their ignorance,beauty queen is considered appropriate to replace them with some other innocent beautiful creature.

Every woman is beautiful when you can just be myself. Once it has, it is an object to be degraded and exploited by those who are in their money. This beautiful woman is a private-owned, used a sex object - for a year. Beauty is not something permanent? Or is it just a year?

Maybe women do not recognize their beauty andshow it from dirty old pretend to understand. Then to participate to participate in "beauty" contests. Its beauty speaks for itself.

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