What happened in the UK in 1997?

Here are the biggest news, sports and entertainment stories of 1997 ...

Diana, Princess of Wales died in a car crash in Paris, it seems to continue at high speed by photographers on motorcycles. It was assumed that the driver of his car was drunk at the time, but this was disputed by many, some think that the whole event was a conspiracy plot by MI5 and the Royal Family. Whatever the true cause of his death, the United Kingdom in tribute to hisand after weeks of unprecedented pain, millions watched the funeral on television.

Also what has been much discussed the announcement of the birth of the first successfully cloned mammal in the world. Scientists in Scotland have been responsible for the birth of Dolly the sheep and the media around the world, proclaimed as one of the most important scientific discoveries of the decade. However, for some, raised moral dilemmas amid fears that the technique used to clone human beings might be, the Church and animalRights groups raise the most ethical controversies.

Politically, the Conservative Party was finally after 18 years in power following a landslide general election victory of the Labour Party, Tony Blair became the youngest British prime minister of the century to 43

One of the first changes that the new government was made "stub" of sponsorship in sport, to lose billiards, darts and cricket on large sums of public money.Formula One looked like a serious accident, but a week after the application of the ban, Tony Blair has explicitly ruled that a sport had to do with the new law (something with one million pounds Formula One Bernie Ecclestone, boss of The Labour Party has given before the general election?).

Elsewhere in sports, a lone yachtsman, Tony Bullimore, miraculously survived five days at sea for a long time after his boat capsized in the Southern Ocean. He thought the overturned hull of his yachtand survived on chocolate and water until he accidentally discovered by a passing ship Australian Navy.

Entertainment wise, the 1997 Teletubbies, Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po to say "eh-oh" to the nation for the first time made for children, the show quickly became a cult, and for children, students and adults to find people you like to run in colored aliens in a dome. Such was its success that a chart is generated toppingSingle!

The film saw another movie made at home at the center, low-budget "The Full Monty", the big blockbuster. The story of a group of ex-steel workers from Sheffield, have been turned into strippers, to make money in difficult times. E 'was equally popular on both sides of the Atlantic, and was nominated for four Oscars.

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