October 2009 - News you can use Astrology

The Full Moon in Aries 11 degrees to 4.10 (0.11) helps to fully understand your needs so as to be present and authentic with others. Only if you really grow and meet their needs for independence, autonomy and freedom, you can really relate to others.

Mars in Cancer sextile Saturn in Virgo means 10/10-15 strong will and ability to persevere. With Mars / Saturn can focus your willpower and achieve a result very productive. L 'Challenge is not too difficult to drive, helping to achieve the result you are looking for are attached.

Use Mercury in Libra, 10/14-27 communicate to any inequality or injustice in your life. The simple act of telling the truth in a non-reactive and peaceful uses of repressed that inhibited the sharing of intimacy with your loved ones.

If Venus gets its own sign of Libra 10/14-11/6, you have the opportunity to express your passion forPeace and harmony in your inner world. How to make your world more peaceful, is that inner peace with your loved ones and the collective feeling.

With Mars in Leo, 10/16-6/6 / 2010, leading his heat of the Department of passion. The positive pole or a higher sense of passion is self-realization, I'm not just talking about sexuality. Since Mars rules the chakra of power (as you assert your will) and Venus, the heart chakra this duo creates a course of strongIn our desire to express what we are passionate about.

With the New Moon at 24 ° Libra on 10/17 at 11:34 clock, you have the opportunity to learn to come into equilibrium with the diet, creating balance between work and play, and balancing your need for independence and autonomy with the Your need for intimate relationships with others.

The Sun in Scorpio on 10/24 at 12:44 clock shifts The principle is to turn down the scorpion in the dark, and Igenerated as a powerful vector of light. Our responsibility is in Scorpio models for others in the highest use of passion and power.

Mars in Cancer sextile Saturn in Virgo means 10/29-11/1 strong will and ability to persevere. With Mars / Saturn can focus your willpower and achieve a result very productive. The challenge is not to drive too, helping to achieve the result you are looking for are attached.

Saturn enters Libra on October 29, 200911:09 Mountain Time and will remain in balance until April 6, 2010, when it falls back on Virgin. On July 7, 2010 Saturn back in balance and remain in balance in 2012 to 5 October. Saturn is exalted (the best finish) in Libra, the sign of Venus, so that the 2 + years Transit is an excellent time to manifest (Saturn) creative projects (Venus). It also shows that relations are going through the challenges, if there are differences in the fund. Now is the time to clearto adapt to new boundaries and the dynamics of your relationship when they are out of balance.

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