Biography of Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver biography is always a very popular search term these days because of the popularity of the series "The Naked Chef. He also received the prestigious TEDPrize this 2010th

Mr. Oliver was born in May 27, 1975. He is an English chef, known for his television shows in Britain and known more recently in the United States. And 'now known worldwide for its campaign against the processed food in public schools. More than that, he wants to change the unhealthy dietthe majority of children and adolescents in Western countries. It also supports family kitchen as a way to encourage families to eat healthy meals.

Jamie Oliver was born and raised in Essex, England led. His parents ran a pub called The Cricketers. He was dyslexic, which is probably one of the reasons why he left school at age 16. He went to Newport Free Grammar School.

After leaving school with no qualifications, he attended Westminster Catering College. He continued to work onNeal's Yard restaurant pastry. He says that he enjoyed his time there, but then it was at the River Café as sous-chef to move. E 'was seen by the BBC in this restaurant because he was very young. He went on to learn how to cook Italian food.

1999 Jamie Oliver's career took a new turn with the launch of its show "The Naked Chef. Because of his TV show, cookbooks, his best-seller in the United Kingdom. Asked why, the then Prime Minister Tony Blairprepare for lunch. The year after the launch of "The Naked Chef has been officially approved by Sainsbury's, a supermarket chain in Britain. This was a huge endorsement contract that yielded him $ 2,000,000 a year.

Its popularity has continued to increase and in 2003 became a member of the British Empire, a military order of the United Kingdom. Here are some fun things in his short biography. He put his house as collateral without telling his wife about it! The proceeds of this went toFifteen Foundation in 2002. The Fifteen Foundation trained 15 young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds in the hospitality industry.

After the establishment of this foundation, he began another movement called "Feed Me Better" campaign, the English children to eliminate junk foods and healthy eating habits to promote. He immersed himself in the politics of change in dietary habits of the people. As a result, was one of the most 'Inspiring Political Figure2005 "in a survey of Britain's Channel 4 News Annual Report Viewer.

With his victory in TEDPrize in 2010, Jamie Oliver regulated person to a greater influence, not only in the United Kingdom but also in the United States and beyond.

Jamie Oliver is a great social entrepreneur.
