Jim Morrison, The Doors, Strange Death and controversy

Jim Morrison James Douglas Morrison was born December 8, 1943 in Melbourne, Florida. His father was an admiral in the U.S. Navy. His family moved around because of his father's work and position in the Navy. Morrison's father was a strict authority figure. Perhaps influenced the rebellion of Jim Morrison, who then returned to his music. Jim Morrison attended St. Petersburg Junior College and Florida State University, both for one year. Morrison then moved tothe west coast of film and theater at UCLA study in 1964.

He was obsessed with the poetry of William Blake and the writings of the philosopher Frederich Nietzsche. He gradually lost interest in school and comes to finally write his own poems. Morrison soon began to experiment with drugs, particularly LSD. Morrison hit several people at that time and decided to start a band. Two of his band members were recruited from the Psychedelic Rangers. Robbie Krieger and JohnDensmore joined Morrison and The Doors was created. The name was an idea of Jim Morrison. He got the idea from the book The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley on mescaline.

Jim Morrison began his career as a singer, here legally as a front man. He would avoid eye contact with her audience, and sometimes sang with his back to the public. He soon came out of his jacket and started when we all know Jim Morrison.

The Doors rose to fame in 1967 with their debutbegan a series of successes and titles in the news. Morrison's anti-war antics were loved by many, but hated by some. Just because the father's position as an admiral in the U.S. Navy. In fact, Jim Morrison followed closely by the U.S. government saw it as the form of a high status of the U.S. government was connected. His relationship with a U.S. admiral, his father made him a "potential threat" to U.S. intelligence at that time.

Jim Morrison was also known forOutbursts of drunken behavior, with frequent loss of temper. He started with the creation of posts for illegal obscenity and allusions to sex, to include cause furious reactions from the audience.

Law enforcement officers were often seen at concerts and often arrested Morrison obscenity charges, which usually were subsequently acquitted. The Doors also retreated to the studio where they created works such as LA Woman Morrison Hotel and the rock. Morrison moved oftenParis, to relax and write poetry.

Jim Morrison founded the Zeppelin Publishing Company, with the help of the legal department of Warner Brothers Pictures and Atlantic Records. Jim Morrison was best known for his high IQ. Perhaps this was another reason why he was considered a potential threat to U.S. intelligence. Interestingly, Morrison founded shortly before the famous publisher Zeppelin rock band Led Zeppelin. At the time, everyone knew, the doors, but ledZeppelin was not yet known. Zeppelin Publishing Company was chartered, and placed on ice until later.

Jim Morrison included a baritone voice that was dark and erotic. His poetic lyrics and his voice has helped to rocket the door to one of the most talked about acts, controversial, and theatrical talents.

Your favorite hits from the 1960 Light My Fire, Hello I Love You, Do not You Love Her, and many others. On 1 March 1969 Jim Morrison and The Doorswere booked for a concert in Coconut Grove, Florida. Morrison's run was held in New Orleans, and spent much time at the airport bar, drinking heavily.

By the time Morrison took the stage, was barely able to stand. Before the screaming crowd of over 13,000 people, Morrison was briefly suspended. The officers were released by pressure on the Miami resident arrest warrant against him. Morrison was then handed over to the FBI and went to court to12. August 1970.

Jim Morrison and his band moved to Paris to write poetry. He increased his drug and alcohol and was found dead in her bathtub 3 July 1971. He became the victim of a heart attack. He was only 27 years. Jim Morrison was then to the cemetery of Pere-Lachaisse in Paris.

There are a lot of controversy about his death, because the circumstances of the moment. After his death, there were a number ofstrange and bizarre events. People call them strange coincidences. For example, there was a three-day news blackout in the media. His death was not reported until the funeral was over. Robert Hillburn of the Los Angeles Times wrote that obituary of Morrison. He titled the article "Why Morrison - Delay News. He lit a spark dimmed as controversial, it is not.

After Morrison's death there were rumors and myths of Morrison was spotted in strange placesthe world. The most likely would have been Paris, France. However, there have been stories of sightings of Morrison was, and also states that he may be living in the northwest Pacific. His brief is to own a ranch, quiet and solitude.

Since it is highly unlikely that Jim Morrison is still alive, stranger things have happened in our history. Of course, sparks the imagination of fans ports, and music lovers around the world.

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