What happened in 2008?

Many have happened in 2008 and accounted for so far is obviously not fully recovered for the year until the new year. But it was an exciting year, much has happened in politics, music, business, entertainment and science, the milestones and how to go for a long time to come for humanity. Moreover, it is impossible to 2008 all the events, news and resources, but here are the top choices, the image is characterized by goodwhat happened in 2008!

Politics: Barack Obama for President

The end of August 2008 U.S. Senator Barack Obama accepted the nomination of the Democratic Party primary for the presidential election of 2008 the United States. The Democratic nomination in Denver, instead of more than 80,000 supporters and spectators and there was no doubt that would happen in American political history as one of the most important moments of our century. The race for the Democratic nomination washas been ongoing for several months as one of the most important events in political history. Not only two candidates were involved very typical, but for the first time the race very closely.

Now we have to start waiting for the presidential election, probably one of the biggest events for the year 2008 and stands between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama.

Animation: New Kids are back on the block

On a less seriousIt is still known as entertainment, news of 2008 the reunion of the infamous boy band New Kids On The Block. come up with a new album called the block to August 2, 2008, members of the group met without Mark Wahlberg, has started a world tour in September. With hits like Smach Hanging Tough, New Kids started in the early 90's in one of the first boy band of commercial music. Two years later, he announced the highest paid actor, with both Madonna andMichael Jackson.

Until this meeting, all members of the band has its own objectives, including pursuing solo careers in music, property, and acting.

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