Pisces horoscope for May 2010

Please fish, do not let our guard down! Jupiter, the planet of happiness is, its movement through your sign, but not in fish forever - at the beginning of next month moves into Aries. So it's important to get the maximum return from all that is on offer to do, and if the opportunity comes your way, not your back on them.

There are many ways to increase your luck, but probably should be on your communication skills, which this month will have his attentionexcellent. Just keep pushing, keep on the network, and you can finally your message, especially after the new moon, the 13 or 14 May.

But during the first part of the month to May 11 you can see that to make a special effort to be heard. It's not your problem, it's just something wrong with the world. It could be confusing, particularly, people in your area, and forced to work hard on simple facts could be understood.

A look at your loveVita, 11 can start things should pick up. Partners and lovers are clear about their needs and civil discussion, you can reach a new understanding.

If you are looking for a new relationship, then in the middle of the month looks really good. You have the golden touch, and a favorable aspect between the Sun and Jupiter on 17 OR 18 May could mean good news. A person who is reliable, but who talks too much, it could be your perfectPerson!

Move your career, and there is no reason why you can not have happened, but as I suggested, good communication is very important. There are people who have to stay in touch with who can give a significant boost to get your prospects.
Probably the most important event of the month is a powerful, 180-degree aspect between Jupiter and Saturn, which took place May 22 or 23. This falls right through the main axis of the solar chart, Jupiter in Pisces, Saturnin the opposite sign of Virgo.

As a result of this, you are very aware of what they may, but are also well aware of the obstacles in front of you. For example, it might be some people who stay. Ignore this man, or try to negotiate with them? Listen to your feelings, you will make the right decision.

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