Girl fighting as a form of entertainment

Fighting is a way that many people get to fun. You see two individuals fight, and it is exciting to see, while not directly involved. Many times, video, and then turned to Internet sites so that other people can enjoy the excitement too. Although it is not the healthiest possible form of entertainment has become quite the phenomenon. Many times no one will engage in the fight to stop it and instead only watch andhappiness of a person or another, while someone else has a camera on the action.

Cause of Girl Fights

- Entertainment is the main reason why many girls are fighting in. There may be reasons, but above all know that people who see other actions, since every good show I like.

- Jealousy is another factor, if there is something of a friend, friend, clothing or other tangible

- Girls to focus onto harm others with their words, spreading rumors, but now use physical violence and gossip and name calling to get their views on the masses and get revenge in the process.

Rate Girl Fights Girl

- The number of girls involved in fights at the beginning of comparative law has increased their male colleagues. While saying the previous figures, only 10% of the fights were girls, now 25% of the fighting are women.

- The most commonPlaces for this to occur are the social groups which can be found. This can be especially high schools, universities and even on the street, where crowds gather to watch.

Who participates in these battles

There are some factors that can be analyzed girl on girl fight. Since it seems a relatively new concept in terms of frequency, can be difficult to obtain precise figures, but some defining characteristics identified may be obtained.

- Ethnicity plays a role inNumber of fights that may occur. This can also be linked to prosperity and economic status. It 's a fact that the number of African Americans in neighborhoods where violence are higher and more fights erupt as a result.

- Age is another factor analyzed to paint a clearer picture of the fighting, and that may end up involved in them. Young people are more likely to use violence to express their opinions, rather than solving it in a mature manner. You can also extend to early adulthood for peoplebetween the ages of 20 and late adolescence.

- The income level tie in the violence and the occurrence of clashes with girl on girl participants. Those people who live in poverty or at risk of being involved in a fight near the poverty line that a person who is opposed in a prestigious part of the neighborhood with substantial wealth and resources available to them live.

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