The Kenny Chesney News Letter - Issue # 1

In this edition (August 1, 2006)

1. Greetings

2. The last concert highlights on Kenny

3. Who was Kenny?

4. Do you Google?

5. A computer tip before you go

6. Concluding Remarks

Hello and welcome to the first edition of this bi-monthly newsletter Kenny Chesney. This is just a beginning of what I hope will be a valuable resource for you in the coming months. And the only way that can really happen is that if I can helpSuggestions on how to improve these problems.

Kenny has recently won rave reviews for his performance on par with blackened only he and his guitar at the center. The performance was at the concert of Pizza Hut Park in Dallas over 27,000 fans in its interpretation of "Old Blue Chair. No one plays the song on the old acoustic and Kenny.

Kenny recent New England Patriots Gillette Stadium Tour stage a new record as the highest one day beforeto tour the country to $ 4,000,000 ... in one day! Since 2000, the only other artists to $ 4,000,000 in one day were on top, Stones Madonna, Springsteen and U2.

Kenny will be on its contribution to gross $ 61,800,000 in 2005? Toby Keith was second to Kenny last year with $ 31,600,000. Maybe Tim and Faith can to Kenny a run for number one. We'll see if the numbers come out in January 2007.

Well, the press is a bit 'late reporting this, but Vane Millon was seen with Kenny ondifferent places. The press call it serious, but so far Kenny Camp is to say that the only really good friends.

Did you know that if you use the engine "Google" search, you're not really looking on the internet "real"? Are you really seaching a copy of the Internet rather than on Google's computers. And according to Google, they think that only 1/50th of what is out there, because Google can not search the databases. Up at the front door of a database to obtain, but can notSelect the drop-down menu, etc. So there's a huge amount of content that you and I have never seen.

Here is a Google-Tip - Next time you do a Google search, you close your search in quotes like this: "Kenny Chesney Wallpaper" ... do without and then with the quotes. The above search results will bring you the finest, because it returns only pages that contain this term on the page.

5. A computer tip before we go - if you do not have a PGM anti-virusThe computers these days are so bad. If you use Norton well, must pay an annual fee each year, anti-virus updates to get. Try this. Use the above search to Google and type in AVG Free. The first results are connected to the AVG site and be taken at the top of this page is a link to AVG Free. I've used for years and have never had a virus. Download and install the program. (If you already have an anti-virus program on your computer, you mustde-install the application before installing AVG).

So there you have it. A brief overview of major events in recent weeks by Kenny Chesney. That was not too painful was it now? I told you it would be a quick read. And if you want to comment or have suggestions, I'm all ears.

Until next time

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