Capricorn horoscope for May 2010

This month it is important that it is not even doubt. You have to take so much, and you can show the world how wonderful you are creative. So if you have a talent that is hidden, now is your chance to do it in the open field.

There are many places where you can bring your genius to express, but in your career you really want. But his boring job, you can do something that makes people sit. Perhaps an old can be done in aa new way, with dramatic consequences.

But earlier this month, you may need to do some 'preparation - there are some things that you do not know, and you need to fill the gaps. It is a matter of practice makes perfect!

The O 13 May 14 There's a new moon, in the field of creativity of the solar chart. You can work on a new project, there is a fundamental expression of the true beginning. At first you might ask if you're doing the right thingbut at the end of the month is quite clear that you are on the right track.

Looking at the report, May 19 and 20 Venus moves into Cancer, the opposite sign. It remains here until June 14. This is great news. Your love life may be a matter of great satisfaction, and you and your partner could be closer to each other.

If you are a single goat, then move on to someone in your life. But there is room for them? A small gesture on his part maythe difference.

Since May draws to a close, Jupiter and Saturn form a powerful, 180-degree aspect. You have certain ideas about things to run, but turns up something new which is very irritating. But handled properly, can be a great opportunity.

Finally, the 27 or May 28 Uranus in the domestic sector of the solar chart, where it remains, in and out until 2019. In the coming years, your attitude toward your house could be an importantto change. In fact, many ibex a burning need to locate and nine out of ten cases, there is a change for the better change.

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