What does America in 2010 and beyond look like?

Only a few Americans in the political and moral climate of today in no doubt that our light is seriously dimmed. At no time in our history, more than it now seems that we are in an administration, to think that there was a mandate to make their mark on America seems to have been brought. More than a "change" that we must change this, we believe we can hardly stand.

We have taken instead of sitting in cocoons as an example for the rest of the world. This administration is spendinglike a drunk in a city all the time blamed the previous administration for the deficit that is incurred. Liberals darkest spirits helped make their long-awaited agenda for a citizenry that has always suspected, and started late, was reluctant to apply early.

Missouri has emphatically declared that the insurance cover under the Fed forced Obama Care is an idea whose time can not come. Arizona remains defiant in the braveDirected by Jan Brewer himself, his state is virtually besieged by a foreign power. Seven million people in California were the judges of a homosexual who carefully placed their votes have never thought about any item in the will of the people is put out.

Attorney holder has decided that America still never faced up to its racism, but it is obvious he has never, to the fact that he lost the primary colors addressed in elementary school. America is more interested in green and red, as withblack and white at this moment in our history. We do not know the heart of our dollar is a bottomless pit of wealth, not too exhausted. We also know that the red blood of many Americans throughout the world was, individualism and free markets, not big government, socialism or ideologies do not continue to receive from our founding fathers set of stairs.

What is being done in America is so hard to believe that what is proposed, as shown in the placement of a Muslim mosque on the roadall the holy places in the United States called "Ground Zero".

Now there is a plan to spend 4.3 billion U.S. dollars to ensure that children have a healthy lunch in our schools. Power convoluted history, godless chatter and social philosophers for some healthy vegetables on the plate not to be missed.

We have a part of the liberal media has done everything but sign a contract in which they promised to tell us something more than the truth. Hollywood takes up the questiontwin socialism, moral decay, as is always to entertain our children exploded with imagination, sleaze and violence in the name of the holy and sacred pastime rather than call.

It 'hard to impress the world with our moral stance, if we want to be seen more amazing by the weight of the much-vaunted "change you can believe in"

But wait, it seems that America has resulted in some changes that may have you believe, or at least can live. The party systemin the hands of this government has made its mark, but is more of a whip. This seems to suggest unbridled anger of being a citizen, which is closer now close enough to the torturers in the next elections to the Congress to be able to whip right out of the hands of the administration. This would be a start but not a complete solution. There are many who are not sure we can survive the damage done to our year is already good. The moral decay isanother matter.

Preachers of the Gospel, which have not yet done so to waste the day are sold out yet proclaim that immutable truth that well-being of nations is always inextricably linked to its morality. It can be difficult, someone in Hollywood who spend 800 million U.S. dollars, a film that might not be worth fifty cents for the production of convincing even the weakest of moral codes. It 's still more difficult to convince an administration that is loaded billions of dollars of debt on our children's future isthat one day the bill is due.

The day is finally here, if they admit with a prophetic calling, that everyone, including politicians, journalists and experts who have opened their eyes and proclaim that the nation is heading in the wrong direction, our compatriots in the noblest cause of all. One thing is certain in the business of prophetic warnings what is the first step in this process. Long before they were prophets, they were called as "visionaries." (1 Sam 09:09) were equipped withunbridled vision, impartial and accurate. Those who "see" are still the best last resort in times of great difficulty.

The only difference, according to the Scriptures, including the average man and the prophet is that God allows some people to see, but the commands to see the prophet. The best example of this is seen in the eighth chapter of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel was commanded to go and actually see what the priests and the civil authorities were committed, and thenA prophesy for them in a call to repentance rigorous. If you are opposed to his prophecies, said an eyewitness, that God had for him in his hand was armed.

Maybe you regret? Sorry to say that they do not, and has led to the destruction of their people. The death has lasted for centuries until the British mandate of 1948 has seen a cure. Only now that Israel is once again a free and independent nation, deals with God once again started in aeffectively.

Prophets of old as the ancient mariners chart, compass and sextant. Today I am able to radar, sonar and GPS tracking systems that tell us where we are going, but most important thing is not going to tell us where we want to compare. It appears that a country willing to reject the Scriptures, the Constitution and its history so easily would not pay too much attention to a couple of prophets voice. This could result in termination of our destruction and can only be made through ourrisk.

What happened in the elections of 2010 may matter, the first sign that someone listens to them or anyone else for prophets. It will be only a first step, but it is a positive step for those who see America remains a mark in the world, rather than with the bruises and wounds on the side ideology that has left other countries have indicated that its total ruin .

Subjectivism and sensationalism which is not allowed in the mentality of a realProphet, otherwise they could not start any ads with family members, "thus saith the Lord." The result unheeded prophecy is known by everyone, but there is never the prophecies were not known. It 's always been, because the prophesy was not heard.

So what happened in Israel in the days of Ezekiel? Not a pretty sight, even though it was entirely avoidable. The warnings of Ezekiel saw eight surrendered to the judgments in the ninth chapter. Ezekiel cried, "And he said to me 'sIniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is very large, and the country is full of blood, and the city full of perversity, because they say: the Lord left the earth, and the Lord does not see. And what are also not spared so my eyes do not want pity, but I return to their works on their heads. "(Ezekiel 9, 9, 10)

Instead of "change you can believe in" we had better "change we can not afford" not to do in 2010 and 2012 to prevent displacement,the fate of our old and new approvals with respect to the people of Israel known. God help us!
