2010 - ten years of the new millennium

As 2009 slowly fades and the birth of the New Year 2010 is just around the corner, nine years into the new millennium and the world is still behind the eight ball in a futuristic technology. At the end of 2009, there are no flying cars, no space station on Mars, and there is room for every day people who drive to the moon and back.

In 2010, humanity will face the everyday noises of war, a world economy depressed and unrealistic political promises that no one everto completely fill in life. Welcome to 2010. Another in a series of Hum Drum years after a New Year's Eve 2000, the beginning of a new century was probably robust.

The world is moving at a snail's pace in changing economic conditions, humanitarian assistance and technology. Sometimes I think 1960 is still a way of life with the 2009 inflation. Faces of change music from time to time, but old-fashioned rock-roll lasts more proactive on modern contemporary music.Oldie Radio continues to schools yesterday's "Rock-n-roll and the aging baby boomers refuse to move Alice Cooper and the Beach Boys.

The truth is obvious is to change the human race slowly and not to pursue the will of renewed commitment to the technology of the future for fear of legal problems. A friend once told me that the automotive industry, technology and the people always bumper to bumper accident, but does not implement the technology for fear of lawsuitscaused by a fault in the new technology. Humanity has hindered progress by the futuristic setting of legal protection, failure, delayed planting an option.

Advances in medicine have affected American shoes, only because the Federal Drug Administration was slow in approving landmark catastrophic drugs to treat the disease. Every year millions of dollars for countless telethons raising search for "The Cure" and donors with bank statements and promises that the nextmaybe next year will be the year for healing.

2010th A year of change. The bill that the government offers to humanity the ability to change, but do not provide the necessary tools, laws and training to implement the changes.

When the legacy of the new millennium has left us is the reality of something that some things never really change. Changing Faces, demographics, political parties and ideas, but nothing futuristic plasma screens is unlikely. changes leading to the worldWindow displays in age at the start of each new year by year and by increasing the sidewalk on a wounded world that does not always seem better.

Happy New Year to all. Please do not make promises they do not intend to keep and not go on one leg and make resolutions, go to a point of madness, because I really do not want to change first, must. Be kind to others. Show empathy with those who weep, and be ready to go outsideTheir comfort zone to help someone in need. If mankind can learn the "Run these simple tasks without the governments of the distribution of" good will toward others-Books - Self-Help Guide perhaps in 2010, humanity will have a chance. Maybe tomorrow we can all wake up to a new beginning that is so futuristic, "Peace on earth and goodwill toward men."

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