Celebrity News and irrelevant most of the housing market Meltdown

Watching the news, it's hard to believe that there are big problems with the U.S. economy. Or if there is a problem to understand it, because it is more important than the comment field of entertainment or sport. Indeed, I am finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish between business, politics, sports and entertainment in the media, which is known in the past year most of the past to the possible use of steroids by well-targetedAthletes from track star baseball player. The raging foreclosure crisis, a topic with far more personal impact on the average consumer, what is a depression in the housing market almost completely ignored.

Why is that? It seems to me that all this focus irrelevant sports and entertainment and is an integral part of public relations intend to celebrity by the government turns its wheels to investigate the facts unnecessary harms no one, exceptProfessional players. And the concern from the point of view, consumers of the media and homeowners in foreclosure are far less likely to spend their incomes increasingly unstable, the products of advertisers who advertise on the stations. It 'really just easier to say to all parties that there are no problems.

But the government's attention on the investigation of sports and entertainment also help policy makers build and enhance their own reputationStatus. With apparently the major problems of study as a person of substance or not to take a substance, it helps create an aura of celebrity of senior government officials who are never lacking in ego. There is also this professional advocates another forum to spout their opinions of the "universal truth" to "The Law", "fairness", "justice" and everything else.

Questions without feeling coming off the time that can be used to study the real potentialIssues such as war crimes, crimes of financial, economic incompetence, and so on. But this, of course, most Americans are gloomy, while a daily dose of two minutes against hatred "overpaid," "arrogant" baseball players infuses a healthy dose of fear and trust in government.

The real goal as far as I can tell, not even to prevent the athletes from the host. I think it's a safe bet that many of them still do and will continue to do so. L 'Lesson learned, to be here is if an athlete on steroids are going to do better than a good job of not getting caught. And if you are unfortunate to make a name for himself and took it better than their parents, surrogate (the state) are, or may be a televised speech dog and pony show expecting to illustrate their humiliation every day from lawyers received in Congress , who still practiced a sport that never in their lives and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about themselves (butI am too happy to accept contributions from pharmaceutical companies and medical interests).

Not to mention the fact that hardly anyone in Congress (with few exceptions) have no idea what they're talking in terms of economy, foreclosures, or foreign policy that has one. I think it would be safe to bet that not a better job of exploring these issues that happen to do with steroids, and the results are just as useless and irrelevant to the vastMost holiday home owners wonder how they make their mortgage payment next month.

So perhaps the best we can only government investment that are irrelevant for most people to maintain hope. Let the people and the functioning of its own instability and overcome the current recession with the least possible disruption. But it would be for the media a bit 'more on the provision of owners of houses and apartments with important information that is reasonable as itcan use to keep their finances and navigating the body depression, rather than bombard the audience with irrelevant celebrity trials for victimless crimes?

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