January 2010 Horoscope - Part 2

Between the time I wrote my prediction for the first part of January 2010 and now there was a strong earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and no one could see coming. The day it happened, was a conjunction of Sun-Venus and Venus is in conjunction with the eclipse. This combination has not encountered disaster, and this is to see the best in humanity manifests itself in - not to mention their political differences of nations and work together to help the suffering andinjured.

I called Venus, and many of you know that Venus with love, money and art to do. What some of you do not know is that Venus has to do with greed, and holds an important position in events in which death occurs, because Venus has to do with it, at rest and in peace to do. The eclipse is part of a global image of the eclipse, Venus, Neptune, Uranus = +. This day has occurred rather suddenly, that no one could predict that the most terriblyHumanity.

Friday, January 15, we finally have the end of another decline Mercury as Mercury goes direct today. Be careful as Mars Annex 15, which is the cardinal-axis, and anger are the name of the game that day. Since the eclipse of Mars, cardinal axis combo and Mercury station is right there is definitely a big eye-opener to be central, for the same time Pluto retrograde Mercury direct station + = Saturn station, a formula forProblems and difficulties of the world.

Saturday, January 16th is a day in bed with an ice pack and a hot water bottle when the sun is 22 ½ to Pluto to remain. It 's a day of change, and now we have seen enough change. It 's a good thing that this day over the weekend as both Apollo and Venus square 22 ½ are screens on the Saturn division and sleep, not a good day to expand new businesses.

Sunday, January 17, Jupiter changes sign and is located in the center of the sun andAde. This is a day when "the difference like day and night" period is at work. The day is in service and spent the evening reading or involved in the romance or romantic adventure.

Monday 18 January is a very good day like Jupiter + Venus = cardinal axis, good value for money, and Sun + Jupiter = Mars, a good job for those whose work will be opened. For those who have the day, it is a time to take a moment to see in the sky and the trees and watch on yourSun Life is like 22 ½ to mercury.

Tuesday, January 19, and is back at work for all. Because the Jupiter + Sun = 0 Cardinal has a good day for many. But be very careful, trouble is lurking, such as Sun with Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are associated with a 22 ½. And 'bad money news in development. The news of the disaster, Haiti is getting worse, especially in relation to the number of deaths from Mars as Ade + = node.

Wednesday, January 20,Neptune squares his Admetus and 22 ½ to both deception and loss that may leave depressed. Do not waste the extra money you have, or stored. Put away for that rainy day is coming. Count your change and check all invoices received today. Be very careful what you drink, keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.

Thursday, January 21, Sun and Venus = Neptune, and 45 to Cupid, the day will be an increase in the number of foreclosures is heard. The money is not therefor extras, even if your checkbook says otherwise. If Neptune is involved in a money planet Venus to be very careful what you spend or who you trust.

Friday, January 22, 22 ½ meditate Sun is Neptune, a good day. should go there and dance music used in this energy Neptune. The end of business, Mercury Cardinal + 0 = Saturn / Pluto. The news in the financial world is not very good. Most of the trip, the messages areHaitian lifts air and save the missions.

Saturday, January 23. Relax and do something today, what you on and inspires your creative juices, as Venus is 22 ½ to Zeus. Sun will be 22 ½ on Cupid. Take an art class or a museum with people whose company you can enjoy.

Sunday, January 24th, Mercury on the eclipse degree. Be careful what you say and to whom you say it. This planetary configuration, when you say the wrong thingthe wrong person, is the last thing you say may be, may be more of a friendship. Since Neptune and Mercury are semi-square with each other and bring the lunar eclipse, do not drive if you do not have to do anything. Mercury, Neptune is the confused mind. Add the lunar eclipse and the monumental problem that might arise.

Monday, January 25 or 45 is a Venus Uranus conditions of monetary instability and moody light-hearted romance. If you know someone new online, not the chemicalLongevity. Do not hurry to meet you before you get to know each other, and take the time to learn their likes and dislikes first. Remember, Mars is still in decline.

Tuesday, January 26. Venus and Mars are opposite each other today. Let there be love or hate, no middle ground. If a person or an object Chemistry - especially as the sun + Venus, Mars = Uranus. What did you fall in love with love today or tomorrowthe next day.

On 27 January, there are problems in paradise, as Venus and Mars will be at the center of Uranus and of Hades. The relationship of love and care can be born ugly turn. These relationships at work, or politics, friendships, etc. You can rotate between them. Saturn, Pluto = Mercury + knots. Be careful what you say out of anger or frustration. You can open a Pandora's box.

Then, on 28, can be friends, enemies, if not turn cautious, as the Sun +Mars = Uranus. At the same time, Mercury is 22 ½ to Uranus / Cupid. It may be a sudden proposal that may cause a negative reaction from someone because of jealousy. What I'm saying is that if your relationships, all relationships, be very careful, January 27 to 29 value. On these three days many people on thin ice, on foot, without knowing it.

The 29 will be the opposition of Mars Uranus Sun 45, and you should be very cautious in the movement today. IfIt is planned to ski, she moved to Sunday at Mars moves away from the semi-square Uranus. Mars, Uranus aspect combo drive could mean an accident ready to happen. In the evening, Saturn, Uranus + Pluto = Hades = 0 + Cardinal Venus, the financial situation of the world is not beautiful. The conditions in Haiti will probably be worse, because to increase the criminal acts.

30. January begins with a full moon, so that a 22 ½ may occur on Jupiter and two types: the problemcan make you feel larger than life, or of Jupiter, what appears to be a negative, positive change. Do not make promises that can not be taken after sunset Jupiter aspect. Mercury may be 22 ½ on Uranus broken promises and words can be picked up. All agreements must now be made in writing. Meet you at night in a low key, inexpensive and fun night near the house today with friends.

31. January, Saturn square Pluto. Not the money, only if required.There is a large negative financial framework in the workplace and Saturn, Pluto = Venus + Ade. Uranus + Ade = sun, a day when danger lurks in the shadows to do, nothing that an element of risk is linked to it, such as fix a power line, if you're not an electrician.
