The problem with Entertainment News Today

Have you noticed the latest news today? Have you noticed how many of the important news and issues of contemporary society are increasingly pushed to the "tray?" This is because more and more the media industry, focused on fun, but as "real news." This is both a blessing and a curse for the entertainment news today, it's good for the entertainment industry and bad for the real newsIndustry.

What is the big problem with a focus on something other than entertainment in connection with "news" is that our society does not keep the company informed on key issues and current events in our messages if they are "constantly bombarded with nothing like the entertainment industry. "The willingness with which it approved the more experienced is the saddest part of this, because the average person does not care about the most important issues or worldEvents.

And what is worse that what TV, magazines and news sources on the Internet we call entertainment today is not even true "information", but only as a gossip column running constantly. If the marker is news that someone has bought in a supermarket or what color her hair is today if she and her partner has problems, this is nothing new, just gossip.

Not to mention,if celebrities constantly followed around by greedy speculation or gossip magazine photographers constantly help of several people in the media, their privacy and basic human rights are trampled. All in the interest of so-called "news."

The average person does not get his face splashed all media every time they buy a gallon of milk, a packet of condoms or to get a ticket, it is true that violence against celebrities, just because I'm famousand call it "news?" This is the largest part of the problem with the entertainment news today, not really notable things are reported and discussed as if they were.

What you need are media companies when you are tired with the lack of value of the distribution of news in the media is to complain to the media companies, newspapers and magazines for the poor quality of news, which is released. If enough people take the initiative andStand and demand better reporting, so the media to want to change what they are humans.

If people do not change the application, and then remain complacent about the state of news reporting, entertainment news as it remains today, and the media continue to report on important news not shown how, what, ate breakfast, as someone ridiculously big diamond ring cost, and who got a ticket the nightbefore.

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