Tekken film 2010

Tekken the Motion Picture was made in 2010 Directed by Dwight H. Little. It is based based on the popular Tekken fighting game series. Like many other game-based movies have failed and disappointed many fans Tekken. This film Street Fighter the movie may be the best movie based game of all time. The film is the story background and character does not follow the original story of the Tekken series completely. Not only the story is off, but they had taken a lot of importantThe information that made Tekken interesting, which is the devil gene. No, wait ... if that's what the timeline of history does not make sense to be wrong already ... or is it? I do not know, I tried to solve the movie, but I got lost and failed to follow the film entirely.

Although the director had a little 'has been explored in the game of authenticity in the fighting style of the particular nature of the plot and character that is still pending. If this movie is not related to Tekkenand had a history of its own which could be a decent movie. The film was generally mediocre, the action was pretty interesting, but can be better. Harada Game Director Director / producer of the Tekken series does not enjoy the film. You can see what you said here:
http://www.qj.net/qjnet/ News / Katsuhiro Harada Tekken-the-movie-is-terrible.html.

E 'disappointing that they do not allow to monitor these Harada Harada, because it was not to disappoint his fans andwould make the film much better. This film is a total watchable if you're not a fan of Tekken.
