If the U.S. financial system is it for?

If the fiat monetary system the country destined to collapse? I do not know about you, but these are questions that tend to ask myself sometimes. The first thought came to me a few years when I did a little research on my computer and found that the Federal Reserve is a private company.

So I started digging deeper, and my research took me to places I would never have imagined. You pay the U.S. government trillions of dollars of debt and even more money? Did you knowit is impossible to get out of debt in a system that borrows money from private companies associated with interest. Did you know that the fees directly to the Federal Reserve Bank and the Government of the United States?

The Federal Reserve Bank was lending U.S. dollars taxpayers in the billions to foreign countries for years. They answer to no one was ever tried, and control of our nations' stock markets, industries, media and wealth. They also have control of our governmenta rich and powerful foreign corporations, international banking lobbyist. People have been lied to and manipulated, it is our duty to wake people up to this deception and to spread the message of truth for the most remote places in this country through radio, news, entertainment, internet, and any other form of expression.

No longer can the American people by a system and the British were once again manipulated and controlled by foreign interestsin 1914. Many have started petitions and requested a review of the Federal Reserve to sign. The question is whether enough people to sign?

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