Leo Horoscope month for August 2010

In view of the month, in general, it is noteworthy that during this month, Mars and Saturn through the communication zone of your solar chart moves. As a result, it can be very hard to get your message, and it is possible that there are some serious misunderstandings. We must be very careful what you say, and if in doubt you might want to talk.

Mars and Saturn could also lead to problems when traveling. One way, which are only a few kilometers,could be quite tiring. Probably there will be traffic jams? Or your vehicle, whatever it may be able to let you down. So this month to avoid unnecessary travel.

Returning to the theme of communication, and despite the problems this month, there's something important that I say it again, probably in connection with your career. It could be a lot of resistance, and it begins with you may feel that you meet a brick wall. But if you are patient and your message will finally hithome.

On August 9 or 10 depending on the time zone, there is a new moon in your sign. On the whole this is good news. If you have the opportunity of your life to a new purpose and focus to the problems of the past behind. And whatever your plans, it is important that you really believe in yourself. That's right, go a bit 'of healthy arrogance can go a long way.

When it comes to money, you will be strong all month, and you know how to ensureown interests. And, as your brain, you can work your way. But do not be afraid to read the documentation complex financial - you know, the question of numbers, and you can reach some important conclusions.

But towards the end of the month you might have second thoughts about your financial strategy. You might wonder if the numbers really add up? In this case, the picture is much clearer in mid-September.

Finish with yourlove life and the key to success is romantic in the immediate vicinity. So close that you might not be able to see it! So if you are a single Leo, will the person of your dreams you see someone all the time, but you can not see easily.

The New Moon should help things move along, and August 20, yes, the crucial links that allow you to make your romantic prospects to the next level. A few words spoken at the right time can make a difference.

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