Gemini horoscope for May 2010

You start the month of feeling rather uncertain. You may be having second thoughts about your projects, and you may believe that it is difficult to correlate with the outside world.

However, we must recognize that many of your problems are in your head. While it may be easier to stay home and do nothing, and certainly less stressful if you make the effort, with other people you interact pleasantly surprised.

In fact, in the first week of MayIf Mars aspects of Venus, you and someone else get close to each other. It all starts in a low-key and civilized, but suddenly when you least expect it, the action begins.

However, you should be aware that up to May 11 Mercury, your ruler is retrograde step. So for the first part of the month may be difficult to do things, and messages can be lost. It is probably a bad time to start new projects.

The O 13 May 14 There's a new moon. It marks aInteresting few weeks, when you could be involved in something secretive nature. It can be about the negotiations behind the scenes, where discretion is important to talk about. And in these circumstances, it is important that you keep your mouth shut.

Under the new moon, Mercury is moving at a favorable aspect to Pluto, which is exactly on May 19 They are very intense and very powerful, and you'll be good to do to convince people that your way. So if you're a politician or aThe vendor, you have a great time.

The weekend of 22 and 23 May Jupiter and Saturn are 180 degrees appearance of the mid-sky solar chart. This is a big problem and it is not a fluke.

On the one hand, there are well aware of your ambitions, and many twins are frantic for success. However, it will also be aware that there is something that stops you. Perhaps there are people whose needs can not be ignored, such as your family.

This is aSituation in which we can not give up one for the will of another. Your career matters, and so you want your family and loved ones. And you realize that your life lacks balance. Without a career can not be met without a home and family, you do not feel the ground.

In late May a friend or partner may do something really weird. But his behavior to make better sense if you understand the facts.

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