Pluto in Capricorn - What does the future hold?

News Flash! Pluto is now in Capricorn. What does this mean for you and me?

Pluto in Capricorn mixes the conversion quality and obsessive Pluto to the limitation and realistic quality of Capricorn. What should be changed, as we see the world and the nature of reality. If we have, the things are and what we need to change then we are no positive action. We also have the authority and within the limits that are ahead of us workcreate a new reality. This is a reality that is not destroyed (Pluto) in the world (Capricorn), but re-examine our assumptions about how things are. So we can recreate and remake the world in a way that is truly sustainable and preservation of life.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Pluto was in Gemini, as Neptune. Some years ago, in 1891, these two outer planets were all in Gemini. A major theme of the twentieth century has been the communication and movement.Through the development of transportation and communication systems, such as flight routes become, better roads, the central nodes of communication, telephone, space satellite, Internet, mail courier, air travel and motorized television and video, the world is interconnected and a greater understanding between peoples emerged. The downside is that the world has become smaller. It 'hard to keep secrets and have our personal space. Today, the conflicts betweenPeople across borders more quickly (than before the twentieth century) may occur.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Pluto was in Sagittarius, in conjunction with Chiron. The theme of the twenty-first century is that of the bigger picture. Chiron Pluto has said that part of our psyche that connects deeply wounded. It 's the truth (Sagittarius), which is hurting. The truth of our existence, of which, what we are and what we do. We grow and expand by the sameRoutine and make every day without looking anything but be sure to continue as we are. But the little voice that was barely heard in the past has always whisper somehow less of a fund and more than a roar.

Our weaknesses as individuals and as communities are now based on the radio to listen to everyone. If we do not change soon doomed to some terrible consequences and to provide more you can be successful. And so on. Even if you want to change, asyou can change? What do we do? Can we change? What I can, but an individual to make a difference in front of a huge problem as we can to make the mass extinction? Especially since the team does not seem to mind and seems willing to go the same way as before?

Perhaps a person can not change the world as a whole, but certainly a person to change their personal world and in this way will have any effect on others who have come in contact with the individual.First there was one. Then there were two. Then there were four. And so on.

As Pluto moves through Capricorn 2008 - 2023, begins to slow its speed. After a stretch relatively quickly through the sign of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius, Pluto begins to be focused and persistent influence in his zodiac sign. Pluto was the cancer for 26 years to 18 years in Leo, Virgo for 14 years and poised for 11 years. Pluto in Scorpio was for 10 years, in Sagittarius for 12 years andis in Capricorn for 15 years.

It is thought that created the world as it is and it is thought that the world as it can be converted. Recognizing our connection with Earth, our common humanity, other living beings and the universe as a whole, and we can really change a universal consciousness and open.

The entry of Pluto in Capricorn represents the end of the scale - Capricorn cycle and the beginning of Capricorn - Aries cycle. Like PlutoCapricorn is moving through the problems begin to penetrate the surface and contain the meaning is: how we treat our common home, to our sense of origin and where we are in the order of things and what our role is as a species. If any purchase from us, to share some particular points of land, tribes and nations, or want to belong to the earth as a whole like a family group?

On a cosmic scale, the Earth is our only home, or we belong to a bigger houseGalaxy and the universe around us? We are making the dominant species, what we do in the world? Or are we just one of many species? Or should we become a kind of guardian, protect and nourish other life forms?

We have no control and restriction of movement and rights of others, because some authoritarian mandate? Or do we want to allow the maturation of our species, to identify ourselves, each of us, as true global citizens and international travelers!

BasicQuestions of life and existence and nature to be created and must be addressed as Pluto moves through Capricorn.

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