March 2010 forecast of Uranus methodology

15. March begins with a new moon. Mercury from the date of application and ends with Uranus Uranus conjunct Mercury, as we experience this new moon. Expect a lot of topics relating to the health sector, with possible demonstrations. The global picture of the day will be Sun, Moon, Ade + = Mercury, Uranus. This behavior suggests a revolutionary and unstable. I also think that as we prepare for St. Patrick's Day, some start their drinking early. Also, VenusAdmetus will be semi-square. There are small areas of making money, in some, and real estate financing in the news, although not in a good way.

16. March, Mercury in the center of the Sun and Uranus. A day with a tense and unexpected sudden news, and some of these messages are not too good, as Hades is the center of the sun and 0 Cardinale. Drive carefully today. The number of unemployed increase. world situations are not promising, as the centerSaturn is between 0 and Ade Cardinal and brings in everything that is connected to Ade and 0 Cardinal, like the Sun, Mercury and Uranus. Jupiter + Venus = Ade. Today, some have made their money through criminal activities including robbery.

17. March begins with Sun conjunct Uranus. Expect the unexpected this afternoon with the sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune = +, Zeus. Be very careful with internet scams, as hackers increasingly innovative abilities, and fraud.

18. March, square SunAde, one day you want to be able to sleep through. Trouble in the foreground. The agenda for today, for the Congress, is pushing the health sector. If we turn now to the transit, we must face is not good for the general public. Mercury opposed Saturn and Mercury + Sun = 0 Ade Cardinal. Do not sign, agreements or leases to wait today, but two days to Mercury will be in a better position. We could talk about the most destructive earthquakes andAftershocks in Chile Mars + Uranus = Venus. This suggests that cosmetic surgery or control of the situations of money. Make your choice. I do not recommend cosmetic surgery today, but since this is a difficult aspect Mercury Saturn.

19. March. The sun is Ade medium and 0 the Cardinal, while Saturn = Mercury + Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn as well as Ade + + = Venus. Poverty is the name of the game today, the financial news is not good. In fact, it's absolutely terrible. + SaturnAde still Cardinal = 0 with less than 30 minutes ball indicates that the problem is greater than one, to be like him. I guess here, but I think with these issues, the stock market should end now down.

20. March, Saturday is finally here, and I advise you to stay in bed all day today (just kidding). Ade + Saturn = Sun, 0 Cardinal Mercury Pluto square in the morning with a ball 20 minutes and Venus is now at the center of Mercury and Mars. For those who are looking forWork or not work I suggest you update your resume and search the web to see which areas to change the setting and send your resume today. Do not wait until Monday.

21. March. Today, Sun is the application in relation to Saturn. Today is a day for spring cleaning or chores that you have sent. Then just relax and do nothing as a Saturn, Sun disclaims all day.

Monday, March 22 opens with Venus + 0 = mercury Cardinal. This means that the flow of interactive communication to a noteOptimism. Unfortunately, this optimism is well founded. Same time, Sun will adopt means Saturn in the middle of Pluto and Hades, who runs the situations of a turn for the worse as the day. Very little is being achieved which is beneficial. The day ends with Sun + + = 0 Cardinal Uranus and Pluto suddenly something happens in the world like an explosion.

Soon March 23 Pluto Saturn Uranus as + + = 0 = Sun and Saturn can lead to sudden events Cardinalelost by destructive forces. The pain is in the cards for that day.
I tried to find something nice and comfortable for that day and could not. Instead, I discovered that Mercury + Venus + Mars = Saturn. Mercury, Venus shows, pleasant communication, to take on a sour note, because working is a Mars, Saturn corresponds to a standstill, and finally the combined results in pain.

24. March, Uranus and Pluto = Saturn + still rules the day. I hope I'm wrong, but it seems that a voice is resolute and fireCrying as he / she will be a fundraising effort Mercury Venus + + = head of Zeus, Pluto. It seems a call for donations. With all this negativity, the positive side of this, the exchange rate up.

25. March, Sun + Uranus = Saturn and the day starts with a sudden disappointment. The problems can suddenly explode and start a cycle. At the end of the day, Sun will square Pluto and both are at the center of Jupiter and Vulcan, show a strong financialUnexpected. In summary, in these, it is big problem in the world, but the financial market will have a rosy glow to it.

Saturn begins the morning of 26 by 22 ½ to Venus. The financial framework takes a negative turn. It 's a day to be careful with your money and Jupiter = Mercury + Admetus. It could be some bad news case. Be sure to spend your vacation, food prices to the point of damaging your budget to grow

Saturday, March 27, Jupiter +Apollo = as a spirit of optimism is in front of the center as everyone is preparing for the Passover and Easter. and much more - with the image of the planet, will be a shopping mall.

28. March is Palm Sunday. Mercury will be 22 ½ to the midpoint of Saturn and Uranus. Many will travel today, and these trips are sudden interruptions and delays, as Mercury will also focus on Jupiter and Neptune / Admetus be.

Monday, March 29 starts with 22 ½ Mercury to Saturn, andNews may be harmful. It has also to all family members involved in going to the Passover Seder. This combination can also show the hard work in preparing the first Passover Seder, which will take place this evening. As we experience Saturn Mercury will also enjoy 22 ½ Sun to Jupiter, a very good day. The day ends with a full Moon semi-square Admetus. This is a day mixed. Mercury, Saturn and the full moon with Admetus is a challenge, but save the Jupiter SunDay.

Tuesday, March 30th is a day of limited activity, the Sun = Mars + Admetus. At the same time, Mars, Neptune, Saturn = +. It could be losses of jobs, could be damaged by rain with Neptune involved in this picture. At the same time, Cardinal 0 + Neptune = Venus, and financial losses can occur if not careful today. This combo also shows that not a great day for romance.

31. March, Pluto = Venus + Admetus. There is not much positive that the assetfinancial markets that day. Uranus + Saturn = 0 + Ade Cardinal. Situations where poverty, death and destruction, are brought to public attention.

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