Intellectual Property and the Economics of Culture

There is buzz in recent weeks on how to Condé Nast, the New York Times and other publishers enthusiastically preparing digital versions of their publications. The point is that it only says not ready for such a highly publicized, Apple Tablet. Apparently, the boys from Cupertino that the level of credibility that the companies to pay money in the preparation of a tablet computer that Apple might start to think that perhaps reachednext year.

Here is a little more proof that the written word began its inevitable migration from paper to digital media. Good news for environmentalists, bad news for Hammermill, Champion, and who owns a printing press. Not that the tactile perception of a glossy magazine or a book well done should probably be replaced by a sterile screen LCD in the near future. And we do not include libraries and replacing them with servers in hugenear future. Of more immediate concern, however, the effect of the alleged Apple Tablet and all too real Amazon Kindle on the origin of everything that can have a content - the authors.

Over the past 20 years, digitization has changed the music industry. album sales over the past decade to the point where sales of CDs and download combined now represent only a fraction of what the CD sales alone fell in 2000. Thousands of jobs have disappeared in the music industry, in order to haveThousands of retail music stores across the country. Today, the primary source of revenue for live performances of the artist. Like a rock star is not what it once was.

Other forms of digital entertainment such as movies and video games, managing to keep any pirate attacks for now. But these books are easy to upload digital files, such as authors and publishers to be able to control the distribution of work without a license? If one of Stephen Kinga John Grisham, Dan Brown, or continue to produce works of fiction funny, when sales begin to sink dollars? Unlike music, which is a very lucrative market for live appearances by the author.

There is no money in poetry, of course, and poets continue to write, right? The difference is that writers write for the purpose of self-expression, not to speak with others. A major difference between art and entertainment is that it requires a source of incomejustify their existence. This does not mean that the work produced to entertain, can not be art, but let's not forget that Shakespeare wrote plays for a living.

You can not just what we call "intellectual property" no longer have an idea of what to call their own. What you can take is the right of reproduction and distribution of their physical manifestations of control - hence the term "copyright". It should be a writer and editor in a hurry, a method for distributing so naturally embracevulnerable to copying and distribution? If you have a novel release tomorrow, would you be willing to do was to be released in digital? You see a way to protect authors in the future ... first of all to write for the stage or screen? Let me know if you do.


Robert Mattson

Executive Vice President-Creative Director & Copywriter

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