Jupiter's Movement Through Pisces

Jupiter is the planet of good luck.  It represents our hopes for the future, and our desire for expansion.

Its influence is collective as well as personal.  It describes the general buzz amongst groups of people, and by and large the stronger its position, the happier everyone is.

Jupiter is a slow-moving planet, that takes just under twelve years to go round the Sun. This means that it stays in a sign, on average, for about twelve months.

Towards the end of January Jupiter changed signs, from Aquarius to Pisces.

Overall this was good news, because Jupiter has rulership over Pisces, and is therefore very strong in this sign. 
We'll become more optimistic about the future, and many of us will have a powerful vision about what might be possible, both spiritually and materially.

I suspect that we'll start feeling the real power of Jupiter's sign-change after the New Moon on February 14. This New Moon, by the way, marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Tiger.

Jupiter will remain in Pisces until June 6, after which it moves into Aries.  It will return to Pisces in September.
Over the next few months, and particularly after February 14, it'll be easier to get things done, and I'm confident that there'll be real evidence that the global economy is recovering.

However I believe that it's a calm before the storm.  As I keep reminding my readers, in 2010 and 2011 Jupiter and Saturn are making a stressful, 180-degree aspect.  Historically this aspect has an association with economic decline, as well as political turmoil.

It's therefore important to make the most of Jupiter's movement through Pisces, by harnessing the feel-good (or feel-better) factor.

We can perhaps persuade people to have faith in us. Because faith leads to security, and if we've got security we've got every chance of surviving the next few years.

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