Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio has many secrets. There is mystery surrounding this Zodiac sign Scorpio and is satisfied with everything about the other, but they reveal little of his self. This enigmatic quality is part of the magnetism of Scorpio. He or she has eyes that seem to storms at sea. So is lurking in the depths of this sign of deep dark water. A life is not long enough to everything that exists in many layers of Scorpio discovered. Who is affected by the Scorpio are always brand. The intenseThe energy of this sign is to have his way with you. If you think you have fallen in love with a Scorpio, be warned this is a powerful pair.

The scorpion is the symbol of Scorpio; dangerous. Most scorpions carry their venom deep inside, and if you beat the time he or she usually is injected. They are loyal and brave and can self-destructive. Scorpio is so complex and almost impossible to understand that sometimes it can be unnerving, but certainly a morenot only interesting.

If you love your sex life a Scorpio will never be boring. However, there is a price to pay. Scorpio is capricious. Your moods are the leave-me-alone nature, casts a dark shadow on his face. If you're intelligent, you are forced, and disappears for a while 'until the water recedes. It will take time, as your partner Scorpio "dive" below the surface into the depths of his soul to find peace and balance. Be patient, will appear again for your loverand returns to be your true love Champion. This deadly water will die for you. After all, he or she promised to love you, 'till death do you part. "

remain Aries (March 21-April 20) Aries mindful of his health needs in the coming months. The past year has been seen, with problems of mind and body, the integration of the two and balance. Your career and the vision of the outside world is blessed with happiness. Things are very social and it comes withPeople of wealth and prestige. Cosmic Note: your energy resources of other people for the first few weeks of the month and then concentrated it is, a larger volume of more moves.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) Taurus should continue to take some risks, even if the options are there and can go very well if your time is good. Travel seems likely, and needed the money or compensation for your effort given broad enough to please. Cosmic Note: 'a jugglerrelationship or partnership, where is your energy in the first one-on-one and then moved with his finances have to do. Cosmic Note: Keep open lines of communication.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Gemini should stay home or make repairs to his house for the future. This mid-July of 2010. All you have to do what they practice, and on budget. Speaking of money, there are common resources, or money from another source will be available. CosmicNote: power through your steps for the first few weeks and then puts himself in the position of an intense relationship.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Cancer feels limited in its space and you could get in the neighborhood is not possible, because of their many obligations. A partnership will benefit from a gentle spirit, stay patient and your life will turn around. Cosmic Advice: Communication is most important after the first few weeks there will be less verballyand more hands with others.

Leo (July 23 to August 22), Leo must take care of its resources. Maybe you are willing to reduce costs and create a couple of guys to call in the business world, what will be done later. They are cautious about their own costs, usually the most practical. You can feel good about the daily activities. Cosmic Note: Your energy is put to the test. This may mean the literal evidence. Tests and the like. Leo needs to know that you are at the end of a cycle. If the Shift keyis, you listen to your body and integrate what you hear in your lifestyle.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22) Virgo has nailed another year of feeling on the cross. So many obstacles, and lessons learned ... When will it end? Do not be discouraged as you are flexible. Pluto moves in Capricorn, another earth sign, you will have an advantage over many. Cosmic Advice: Listen to applaud the view from the front seat and I love that they deserve, get prizes.

Balance(September 23 to October 22) balance the weight of the world carries on his shoulders. This Beautiful Mess will continue for another year. If this time let go of what you will end up, light skin, and if you stop to think how a new identity will be happy to do so in the next twelve months do to prepare yourself to this new. Start at home. This is the place, at least for the holidays, where one feels the best. Cosmic Note: Your energy is close to home and spentCommunity.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) Scorpio is a birthday. For the first half of November is interested in how others see it. Maybe a birthday makeover is in order. Then your energy spend. Perhaps you feel the need to be pampered. Not a new idea, but the day of the great are gone, and nobody knows better than you. Cosmic Note: Perhaps happens next door or on the road. If you have the means to give yourCommunity or people in the hood.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Sagittarius spent the first weeks of the month to do with thoughts? An ancient Chinese proverb, "without it." Here's how it is in this period. After 15 you have thought long enough, and it's time things will become a reality. Do something for yourself first, others will observe and take notes. You will not be behind the curtain. Cosmic Advice: Your personal resources can be improved. Inthis economy, which is a treatment. Celebrate the fact that Pluto has packed his bags and leave your room.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19) Capricorn should air the rooms as Pluto will take the bus next to your place. Sagittarius will say good-bye and Good Riddance, and you're next. to juggle the path of that power is the way you do with common sense. You can tame Pluto, you have the power. Cosmic tip: sit Jupiter remainsbeside you until the new year. Use the safety net in the form of Lady Luck, take care of you.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18), the Aquarium has a year to keep the doors locked. Can not be with anyone but himself to rely on. This is a good lesson. Do not try to borrow, or ask, wait until next year. Remember that luck in the position your guardian angel until the new year. He threw out the safety net in case of fall. Cosmic Note: The good news is added if it moves, it will be,sitting next to you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20), patients with specific relationships and partnerships. You have no choice. This is not an easy time for your partner. There are difficult decisions to make. This month we have signed into law or the law and then manage his career. The energy expenditure for both is great. Cosmic Advice: time with friends is time well invested mainly females. There's nothing like a good friend, is happiness.

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