Newspaper Writing Tips - 4 Tips to Write News Articles Like a Pro

1. Do your homework. Writing news articles is far different from writing articles for the web and magazines. There are certain formats that you must follow to make your articles look professional. I suggest that you get ahold of books and other online resources that contain comprehensive tips and guides on how to write news articles. Focus your attention on those that have accurate information on how you should be dealing with dates, names, addresses, times, capitalization, and even hyphenations. You might think that these are not that important but following all the guidelines will tell your readers that you're done your homework.

2. Keep your sentences short and to the point. Your readers don't have single minute to waste. So, just tell them what they need to know upfront. That means, no need to use lengthy introductions and fillers.

3. Use the inverted pyramid technique. You're expected to write your articles using the inverted pyramid format for two reasons; your readers are pressed for time and they'll most unlikely to finish reading your articles until the end and to make it easier for your editors to trim down your articles if they need to save some space. They can just go ahead and remove your last paragraph if needed.

4. Use simple terms. Your goal is to inform your readers and not to show off your wide range of vocabulary. Tell your stories using simple words as much as possible. If you need to use abbreviations and highly technical terms, make sure that you explain them first in lay man's terms before you use them in your articles.

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