Entertainment and Bridal Shower Favors

Are you, or someone you know, a blushing bride to be? If you answered yes, then boy should you be ecstatic. Have you considered what type of activities you want to have at your bridal shower? Are you a movie buff? If so then perhaps you will choose a movie version trivial pursuit. Not interested in board games or trivia games? Then perhaps you would enjoy a lovely game of Twister instead. With Twister you are guaranteed to have lots of laughs and get exercise.

If you're not into games at all then wow are you in for a surprise. At bridal showers there are often games to be played, laughs to be shared, and memories to be made. There are generally lots of bridal shower favors and wedding shower favors as well, which represent and commemorate your soon to be wedding. These types of parties are exceptionally special and more importantly, no men are allowed to attend them. Well no men that is so long as one of your witty girlfriends doesn't decide to higher a male dancer! Yes indeed sometimes things get a little wild and crazy at these bridal parties, and if you have never been to one, man are you in for a surprise.

They say that these parties are one of the most important ones in a woman's life, because it marks her passing from a young lady to a grown woman. Oh but don't let that stop you from having an excellent time. Believe it or not, adults enjoy having a good laugh every now and then, and they absolutely love having a good time. Keep this in mind when you decide that you want to get married. Bridal showers and weddings go together like cakes and frostings. They go together so well in fact that some people think it unorthodox to have one without the other.

Make certain if you are in charge of planning a bridal shower, or if you are having one for yourself, to assert yourself clearly on what you want. No one likes a sourpuss especially at a bridal shower. After all if it is your shower, or even your friends, you defiantly want to make certain that the events which are planned for it are something in which all of the people present will enjoy. You wouldn't want to plan the shower and have only activities that only you enjoy now would you? Of course not, because then no one else present would participate in the fun and games. So be sure to take the time to listen to others opinions, as well as express your own clearly so that everyone understands one another. This will help to make the bridal shower go smoothly and also ensure that everyone who attends will have a great time.

If you run out of ideas for activities there are a lot of options available. You could even play an old school game of musical chairs, or you could make a run to the local store for some board games. Don't be afraid to make up your own games either. You would be amazed at just how much fun a group of friends can have if they put their minds and imaginations together and create their own game like truth or dare, or even telling ghost stories.

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