News is either because journalists Will Always Sell Story

The first man to run a marathon of 26 miles was sent a messenger to report the news of the battle. Exhausted, he fell dead after reporting news.

Not all the reporting is very harmful to health.

Pheidippides, a messenger of the battle of Marathon, ran 26 miles around the city of Athens from the sea to warn of an impending attack. expired after a day of struggle and the duration of its natural resources.

There are people who question the historical veracity history. He says his name was actually Philippides, as if it mattered.

It's actually a good story well told. And 'what is narrative. The triumph of man over himself

Reporting follows the same lines. The journalist makes a wrong that has happened and reported it can solve other issues, while the loss of its reporters in search of more injustice right.

Or is good news that reported so that everyone should be happy.

These good> News / bad news is the appointment of creative writing. A story begins with the tranquility of a summer day, while rolling into the distance, thunder down. Thunder may simply be a phenomenon could be summer or the drumming of the hooves of many pilots to go to war.

How happy people of this dilemma is history.

If there is a real event, the history and legend become.

Reporting then, provided that there is a reporter on hand to say what happened,is the first draft of history.

As such, it will be filled by a publisher eager to welcome the new content pages. The stories are always needed to sell newspapers and magazines. It is not news to start a war will be, God forbid.

People want to read the news, whether in a newspaper or on a website or fictitious events between the covers of a novel.

Someone has to provide. Why not?

The PRIndustrial, which tell the story for customers. You can choose to write for this market. Many writers get it right with integrity. Alternatively, you can choose to turn away from, and write hard news as we see, without fear or favoritism.

If you choose a real news reporter, it is your duty to inform the reader, not the people or the history of the person you Have a tip-off.

The more you store personal information on this code, the real your stories.Readers should seek the truth in the news. Editors will ask if you have something new, and how soon could he?

Once the story broke and in the public domain, you can create a document of deeper and longer on events in the form of a non-fiction book.

Just do not run 26 miles in the armor before you sit down to write it: You can never stop.

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