Capricorn Personal Horoscope For April 2010

The big news this month is that Saturn, your ruling planet, is changing sign, from Libra to Virgo. To be precise, on April 7 Saturn makes the move and it stays in Virgo until July 21. So over the next few months Capricorns will have to rethink some of their priorities. What are you on this planet for? What is your mission in life? To what extent are you fulfilling your potential? These are important questions, which you thought you'd already sorted out. But clearly there's more work to be done, and the spiritual dimension shouldn't be ignored.

I should also say that over the next few months you might have to do some travelling. It's travelling that will be good for you, but at the time it might feel like a chore. Anyway, that's more of a long-term issue. When we look at April in detail, we can see that two trends are at work. On one hand you're going to be cautious, and you'll regard security as being very important, especially during the first half of the month. So you'll probably be happiest in your own home.

Yet for most of the month, until April 24 or 25, Venus is moving through a fun-loving and very creative sector of your solar chart. Once you're in the mood, you can really start enjoying yourself, and if you go to parties and other social gatherings you might be very surprised by what happens. Yes, indeed, romance is on the agenda!

From a career perspective, April could be a very exciting month for you. There'll be lots of things going on and you'll have a chance to show the world what you're made of. In particular, you can do something very creative, that really stands out. So don't be shy, and when you're dealing with people in a working environment don't forget your sense of humour. In mid-April career matters are particularly well starred. You'll have good luck on your side, and you'll be able to get your message across, loud and clear. One phone call, to the right person, can give you a crucial advantage.

As far as your home and family are concerned, on April 14 there's a New Moon. This New Moon could change your attitude. Perhaps you'll start seeing your home in a new way. You might, for example, want to do some re-decoration. Or you might want to reorganise family routines. And while your broad approach is probably correct, you don't want to be in too much of a hurry - because right now things will take a long time to work themselves out. You should also avoid making big decisions, at least until early to mid May.

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