Online gaming will be legalized in the U.S. in May

In the United States, John Pappas moving mountains. He leads the million members of the Poker Players Alliance to make the legislation to legalize online gambling in the lobby of the United States. The Executive Director of the Poker Players Alliance supports his colleagues HR2267 legislation by Congress Barney Frank, control and disposal has games on the Internet. the committee on law, the vote could happen as early as February 2010. Papas did not hide hisAmbitions when he said bluntly that the legislation will be crucial for poker players and poker community Alliance Entire. He asked the members to the occasion and be heard.

In the past, initiatives of PPA supports online play was the most influential support HR2267 and this time is no different. Pope asked the players to reach the Alliance and the poker community to members of Congress and express their support for the bill.According to Pappas, this is the first time that there is a vote on the legalization of online gambling in the United States of America. He said the bipartisan support needed to make this law a success and invited members of their congressional representatives about the upcoming vote reporting. At the other end, saw the deputy Barney more successful on the bill in the first two weeks of January, Frank. The good news is that two politicians from New York Democrat Eliot Engel, and Charlie melancholy, a Democrat from Los Angelessupports the "Internet Gambling Regulation and Consumer Protection Act and the enforcement of 2009." This is the number of members of Congress approve the proposed increases to 65. More should be done, and Pope John will leave no stone unturned to ensure that there is online poker and gambling legalized in the country.

The bill was debated for consultation in early December, but no mark-up as members of Congress made the leap. Papas said the next big step would be the mark-up and his group has itswas aimed at members of Congress in support of law and can lobby for them with a positive result. If you held a mark-up there could be a debate on HR2267, the bill will be followed by an affirmative vote that would push for House. Dad finds that the biggest challenge at this moment, the fear that the policy of the party do not act against the law. If this happens, it will be a setback for online gambling in the country. Barney Frank has made a further point, when he and the otherMembers of Congress in 2010 moved successfully for the implementation of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) by June 1st. This move to allow time for supporters of HR2267 forward and to maneuver in favor of the bill.

The UIGEA was approved in a meeting late at night just before the break election in 2006 as a "must pass" right to security. We hope that with the delay in implementing the law will be time to gamble online, to present their viewsfavorable to the government.
