News you can use astrology - November 2009

Uranus Retrograde 30.06 goes directly from this month, 12 / 1 to 22 degrees of Pisces helps us to move from awareness in the consciousness of separation units. Now that there is no need to depend on external religion tie "us to God" (the true meaning of religion), a new freedom of mind, published in the planet.

With Venus in Sagittarius 12/1-12-24, the focus is on sharing your joy and enthusiasm ("Theo de" or "God") with others. What really counts, with VenusSagittarius is our ability to share our presence; our love, energy and receptivity with others.

The full moon at 10 degrees Gemini on 12/2 (12:31 a.m.) challenges you to expand your personal network so you can grow intellectually. Maybe it's time to take a class, broaden your knowledge base, or just get together with friends for stimulating conversation.

Mercury in Capricorn 12/05-2/10, helps manage and structure the contents of your mind so you can make detailed plans. Ground all details that you think are covered by the master of the lists, what you achieve and then the priority targets on your lists.

Jupiter in the same way as Aquarius, Neptune is from 12/14-12/27 the ideal time to focus on your ideal vision. Jupiter-Neptune can increase aspects idealism and vision, so you can win their expansive power for clarity, what is your ultimate goal of using it.

With the New Moon in Sagittarius at 24 degrees at 16:12 (05:02) focusbased on extensive your spiritual quest. Beyond the love of spiritual knowledge (books, courses, workshops), Moon in Sagittarius invites you to deepen your experience of witnessing the presence of the Spirit in your life.

The challenge with Saturn retrograde at 8 degrees Virgo is 12/19/07-5/2/08 (05:51 clock), learning to manifest your attention (Virgin) on the objectives, without a system to perfection (Saturn to concentrate). Objective is to optimize your life to focus onwhat is most important.

Mars goes retrograde at 19 degrees Leo 20:12, helping you shift the focus from doing to being. letting go of attachments to do, which allow you to see if your energy wisely guided or with intent. Thinking about how your energy during the Mars retrograde, you can learn to be less to do with the flow.

The sun enters Capricorn 21:12 10:47 clock marking the winter solstice. The principle of Capricornshows how trust and the consolidation of power and authority lead to mastery. Our task is to demonstrate mastery of Capricorn during the implementation and efficient use of power and authority.

Venus, the planet travels values represented by Capricorn 12/25-1/17 help you be more pragmatic and realistic as it can get. One way to do this is to watch your spending habits and see if you "put your money where your heart."

The full moon at 10Degree Cancer 31.12 (12.14) helps you discover your needs for care and comfort. Most of us are better than we treat other people. This month the focus is on "care of the ruler." What you need for yourself? It 'good to have others care for you for a change?
