The Month of Capricorn - 2009 - 2010

The Zodiac Month Ahead: Perseverance

What we can all expect from the forecast of our planetary skies.

Capricorn's earthen energy expresses itself with direction upon the Zodiac Wheel. As our Sun begins to rise again after the Solstice, we are now initiated into winter. Karmic Saturn watches over Capricorn, urging time spent in the month ahead learning from experience, acquiring patience, being responsible, and getting to work! You won't find any other sign is more attuned to ambition and a sense of duty wherever they go- as the steadfast Goat innately knows how to consciously aim for integrity while adhering to a strong sense of reverence to their agendas.

Mercury enters its' 4th Retrograde Period of 2009 upon 26 December, concluding in the New Year on the 15 January. This passage will request the collective to redefine optimism, flexibility, and diplomacy. While retracing his steps this time in Capricorn, this is the piece of your Zodiac Pie where The Messenger will deliver his typical tricks. Be sure to all of those Mercury REtrograde do's and don'ts.

We bring a close to 2009 not only under a Mars and Mercury REtrograde, but a Full Moon AND Lunar Eclipse as well. Whatever you may have planned- be prepared for the possibility of delays and changes. As the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse occur at 10 degrees Cancer, we are wise to watch heightened sensitivities, moodiness, and strong feelings. Whichever house 10 degrees Cancer falls in your natal birth chart is where release desires to occur and keeping an active instinct alive is favored. Certainly we couldn't ask for a better alignment to make those New Years resolutions under.

Saturn Retrogrades in Libra on 13 Jan for its' Winter nap until the Spring on 30 May. Our Fatherly planet will reenter Virgo upon 07 April until 21 July. As Saturn continues to add his reshaping to the economic state, while in the Virgo he will take one last audit within the banking world. Take note of the 04 degrees Libra to 27 degrees Virgo piece of your Zodiac Pie to see where discrimination and objectivity need a revisit in the months ahead.

There is good news for all Pisces and natal Jupiter in Pisces natives. Our planet of optimism and expansion enters the vast ocean of The Fishes upon 17 January. Look to the Pisces ruled house in your natal birth chart to see where you can expect good fortune to find you in 2010. Collectively, Jupiter ensures while in Pisces that public welfare and healing will find enthusiastic outlets if charitable and sympathetic intentions are utilized. Let's see how the beginnings -that while Jupiter in Aquarius for the past year have brought forth- will ultimately unfold for humanity in the continuing healthcare debate.

As perseverance is asked of us all, may you find integrity being the guiding light behind all of your achievements.
