Girl Fight - turkish News columnist Arman takes the gloves against Queen Entertainment Avşar

He said in May that the beauty queen and entertainment turkish Hülya Avşar had its opponents. But it was not until recently that has begun to feed so many. And they do not care, either in the rough.

For example, led well respected (and mostly liberal-minded) male columnist Ayse Arman their attack from anti-Avşar the end of September, and said: "I'm not down low class Hülya Avşar's!"

This remark came after aas a series of exchanges between the columnist and entertainer Arman Avşar loose lips when the declaration was made politically and "the Turks, who have their own state should go ahead and create as well as live. Let them, as we want to live. For example, if the Kurds want to create a Kurdish state ... is similar to Turkey's desire to join the European Union. "

When he heard that remark Avşar, Arman said: "There are some people in the entertainment world, whose mouth is zippedbroken! "

Arman said: "Avşar should be what is good for attacking ... Beauty, drama, singing, funny - and as cute. But when it comes to political issues, political issues very seriously ... then I say," Hülya . .. Keep away, woman! "

These words, of course, Ms. Avşar excited, and came back with a flurry of them. "Ayse Arman writes a lot of sex in his column. She's Got Game love, and those of the brain. Well, even practices what he preaches. Sheattracted the husband of a friend of mine - and broke the marriage of the couple. If I go to politics, I will appoint responsible Arman as a "Minister for demolition marriages happy."

E Arman news column for the next day titled "Watch this Nasty Talk Arman" she replied: "I learned to know, moral lessons drawn from almost everyone - at one time or another. The only exception is Hülya Avşar. .. Who with a personal history like his, he has nothing to teach me or anyoneothers - in the moral department. "

Arman sealed ... "I suppose, dear reader, you expect me again in the fire Avşar woman, you're not ...? Well, I'm sorry ... I'm disappointed and let her talk to herself in the gutter where you belong!"

It is not only newspaper editors, in a field day with the time Ms. Avşar. Their peers in the entertainment world from shoulder to shoulder against it ...

Part 3 - Hülya Avşar's feed GossipTalks for TV shows

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