Tips for healthy personal boundaries

Learning positive personal boundaries is crucial for a good self-image, confidence and a healthy lifestyle. At the JRC, we help women who do not usually have healthy boundaries and to break the self-sufficiency in the cycle of abuse and poverty in their lives.

I want you to Sharon (not her real name), to introduce the story is an example of the boundaries that kept them extremely poor people trapped in a very abusive marriage for years.

Sharon wrote: "I am a survivor of domestic violence.For most people I seem to be happy. I live in a good, quiet neighborhood, but I have a secret. Have you ever the saying: "Nobody knows what behind closed doors?" Since long I was almost thirteen years as a prisoner off from family and friends, but unlike real prisoners, I had no hope for an early release for good behavior. I'm married, divorced (soon) to an alcoholic, drug offenders, whose only concern is where his next six-pack, or his next comes upby.

But that was not all that he was very controlling, and so violently. I could not tell you how many times he was violent. I never knew from one minute to another, if anything it would be on the road, so of course I'd never know when the next hit enter, blow, black eye or hateful the next word. How many promises broken? Words were spoken, only to be broken. "

"A little more than a year ago I got very sick and had to go to the hospital. I was afraid I would not make it. Two days before criticalTests were run on me, my husband took his things and left me. But I thank God for this day, because my eyes wide open, and I knew at that moment I could never leave him, when there is nothing. "

During this traumatic time of Sharon's life, she found the Joshua Resource Center and through the "Setting healthy boundaries series she learned new ways to live a healthier life emotionally, physically and mentally.

Sharon learned Tip # 1 - they have a right to their personalBoundaries. This setting healthy boundaries was necessary for the development and maintenance of a good self-image of who she is. This enabled her to communicate with her husband and others in their newfound self-confidence and self esteem. That they no longer accept inappropriate behavior from them. Learned Tip # 2 - Sharon, that other people's feelings and needs no more important than their own. That was a real paradigm shift for Sharon as she had spent most of her life trying to for the care andplease without regard for others what it was doing to her.

Tip # 3 - Sharon learned to say it is ok, NO to. It was destroying her to please others. In addition to being a prisoner abuse at her husband, she literally ate himself to death, and was much increased over four hundred pounds,

Learned Tip # 4 - Sharon, takes into account their feelings and needs of others in relation to the boundaries that were comfortable for her. She found it easier to give someone know if theyexceed these limits or inappropriate behavior to her.

Tip # 5 - You also learned self-confidence to know what is best for them.

This is the rest of the story Sharon, as she describes what she visited during the year-long program she experienced at the JRC, "I can tell you what I found - women who went through similar things as we were. This is the part I like it You call up the healing process, I learned that I am someone what I think and not care. I learned boundaries and howon them and they use every day. My husband wanted to call and threaten me and broke into a couple of times, and I had many sleepless nights, but I could tell him no, and I did not want to drink or drugs or abuse in my life. I let him know that these were not acceptable to me, and it felt to win it! "

JRC holistic program loads a woman like Sharon, the truth of their value as a human being to explore and teach them through a series of lessons on how to set limits on the life of a healthyLife.

Authorized the participation of the JRC in New Beginnings Program, for women like Sharon, the vicious circle of poverty and abuse to break. God created them to have a good future, a future that challenges and provide it with the hope and purpose He wanted for them, Jeremiah (29.11). JRC invites them to discover this truth and to integrate them into their foundation for change and restoration.

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