Michael Phelps - 8 Gold Medal Olympic Record

The Olympics is primarily a team event, but every once in a while comes an amazing personal story. Michael Phelps has perhaps the best individual story of this year's event. He has the option of 8 gold medals at the Games in China to win, and so far it does not look like we can stop him.

He is seeking a go better than Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals at the Munich Games in 1972 back. Michael Phelps has already pointed at in a different record,with 9 Olympic gold medals in his career earned a whole and are likely going to exceed them with 5 events too. In fact, by the time you read this he may have 10 gold medals in his possession over all his Olympic appearances.

More and more people seem to be interested in the other record though is, Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals in one Olympics? It would be a truly remarkable effort, if he does one, who surely go down in history. Phelps celebrated his victory in the last200m freestyle with another world record time, in fact, all 3 gold medals so far have been in world record time. Mark Spitz set his record of 7 gold medals with 7 world record times as well, and Phelps may indeed be in a position to do the same.

Many people, including Mark Spitz himself was amazed at the courage of Phelps to go into these games with such a burden on his shoulders, also racing in events where he does not speak the best of times, and not at the last Olympic games .The 200-meter freestyle was an event in which Phelps only coming third at the last Olympic Games, and now a new world record in this case.

I think everyone, whether they want a American or not, really, that he cracked, these 8 Olympic gold record and the sports world set ablaze. The Olympics can be a team event, but it is a really special experience for a person at the peak of their careers see who was so dominant and the implementation as well.

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