Create Your Own Backyard Bird Feeding Stations for bird watching enjoyment

I am an avid birdwatcher. No matter where I may be if a bird is within my sight if I am able to stop and get a good look at it you can be guaranteed I will. Just the other day as I was leaving a friends home a Red-headed Woodpecker came out of nowhere and landed on the ground next to the driveway. I stopped and watched in awe of the beauty of this bird wishing I had one of those visiting my feeders at home.

When I first started watching the birds it was due to the Curiosity of their actions. The first incident that took place caught my attention when I was cleaning the kitchen after a meal in the family. I happen to leftover cornbread so I took it outside and threw it on the floor. When I looked out the kitchen window, the birds were everywhere in the dispute over the small bites. From that day on I was hooked. I have bought bird feeders, subscribe to magazines, and bought books to learn more about me.

To take a closer look at the actionsand reactions of the birds was to buy another pair of binoculars. I had already seen a bird feeding station and trying out different seeds of wild birds in my vicinity. Now I was interested in color, whether a man or woman, the kind of bird, and much more.

From there I went from a feeding place for several offers a variety of seeds from different types of bird feeders. Birds are like humans, as they want, in particular theirFood served, not that is a feeder all. A large number of investors with different foods helps to bring in more birds.

Also another addition to a feeding should place a bird bath. Birds love water and the bird bath frequently. I offer a stationary bird bath but if you have access to running water, the lapping of the water is a magnet for birds, too.

How do you set up your feeding station note where you are to be localized. TheBirds need protection from potential enemies, ensuring access to bushes or trees is good. Almost all of my feeding stations are under the protection of trees or in the immediate vicinity is in the area. I've seen hawks attack, but most birds are long gone before it strikes.

While all these birds in your garden attracts your curiosity will get the best of you, and you will be in determining the race, watching, interested, books are an essential element for bird watching enthusiasts, such as haveme. I have a variety because each book has its own advantages to help you learn and identify your visitors. The Internet is also an excellent resource. From e-books, blogs about birds, you can learn a lot from other peoples experiences.

That was about 15 years ago, when I first joined, and today I still trying to attract a greater variety of birds. At the moment it is my goal attracts the elusive Red-headed Woodpecker. I have a variety of woodpeckers visit myFeeder - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-bellied woodpeckers, but not the Red-headed Woodpecker so now I'm focusing on finding the right bird food recipe to win this beauty. And while this way, I will see so many visitors, which eat and enjoy the offers.

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