Creating a Bird Friendly Garden

With little effort, it is possible to make your garden into a paradise for wild birds. Think things are accessories such as birdhouses, bird baths and bird feeders to keep plants, food and shelter for birds and predators away.

A well-stocked bird table should be central to any bird friendly garden. You can buy birdhouses in many different designs, so that you should be able to find the requirements of your garden.Traditionally, bird tables were made of wood, but now also in other materials such as metal, plastic and glass which are easier to clean, come and take longer.

Make sure your bird table is positioned somewhere quiet so the birds are not disturbed when they stand there and feed from bushes and shrubs where predators can lurk, such as cats and squirrels.

You can ask all kinds of food from the bird flu and tables such as the kitchen waste such as animal fats, cheese,Fruit, rice, bread and peanuts. You can also designed ready-made bird food mixes some of which, to attract a certain species of birds.

A bird house is a great complement or alternative to a bird table, especially if you are not much space in your garden or just a balcony. Also think about where you hang your birdhouse, so that the animals feed in peace and predators can not attack.

You can buy to keep bird feeders, the seedsor fat or is it simply to his own by an old plastic bottle with melted fat with seeds and other ingredients are mixed. Making a bird feeder is a great way to engage children and teaches them about nature and the environment.

A bird bath will provide much needed water for bathing and drinking, and is especially in the dry summer months and in winter, when otherwise the birds' water supplies may be frozen over. It is important to cleanPrevent your bird bath regularly, that the formation of algae and parasites that could be harmful to birds.

You should never thaw antifreeze or other additives to water in a birdbath.

In recent years, home improvements have the decline in natural nesting sites such as holes in buildings especially in urban areas meant as a bird-box offer somewhere for nesting birds, but also accommodation in the winter. It may take a few seasons before using the birdsA new nest boxes for breeding, then put it in the fall, so they have time to get used to it.

You can buy different types of nesting boxes for various species of birds, you might want to consider always a special "sparrow flats" as they are among the birds, which have declined in recent years in Germany.

The plants are not only fruit for birds, but are made by insects, the thrushes and blackbirds feeding are moving away. Plant berry-bearing shrubs such as rowan and holly trees and floweringPlants such as sunflowers and carding machine and leave the stems long offer refuge.

If you are chasing a problem with cats or even kill birds in your garden, you can buy special cat deterrent in the form of ultrasound equipment, sprinklers, scented pellets and fence protectors.

Turn your garden, you are in a mini-nature reserve for birds you do to help you with the local wildlife and see the joy that you get up close to wild birds.

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