Bird Cage Liners - The Good, The Bad, and the Just Really Bad

This question seems to always pop up when birdwatchers start only in the treatment and attitude of their feathered friends. What do cage liner is best to use? What is the cheapest method, and this is the safest? There are so many products (some misleading), it certainly help you to lead in dark, not to mention, on potentially dangerous directions. Let's separate the fact from fiction.

In the first decision to use what kind of lines, consider your cage. If the trayodd shape? Does your cage have a grate to prevent your bird from tracking around the bottom? Can the bird reach the bottom, even with the grate? The answers to these questions will help determine which sort of liner is best suited for your situation. You want to pick a liner that can be easily examined, as a change in your birds droppings can be an indicator of illness. You want to choose a product that will make it easy to see the consistence, color, shape, and number of Feces. They also want a liner that is easy to maintain and not allow mud, water or other substances to penetrate and cause chaos potential mold problems.

Common towels on the market today are:

Corn cob bedding for pets and birds as often, and in particular in the transport and can then cause more damage risk. Because there are so absorbent, it is easy to mold. The dust that comes along with the corn has the potential to create issues of airway sensoryBirds. If you bird has any access to his cage at the bottom of all that corn may pose a risk if your bird accidentally takes some of it to himself.

Nutshells are getting more beds type that easily, and one time or another has been recommended as OK for birds. Nutshells when eating can irritate and inflame organs, leading to discomfort or even damage the interior. Walnut shells are not recommended for avian.

Cedar shavings can contain ingredients and natural oilsare toxic to birds. Their thick aroma can cause symptoms of respiratory tract, causing allergic symptoms and irritation of the digestive track. Any kind of shaving is not ideal for 'broody "and" Amnesty "female birds.

Pine shavings, unlike cedar are not toxic and often used as nesting material for birds. We recommend the use of pine shavings for nesting material, but not a normal bird cage liner for the cage. Chips can increase female hormones for parrots, especially when they can haveAccess to the chips. When eaten, is another area to crop impaction. If your bird is a summer visitor, chips are not recommended because they are easily harvested form.

Cat litter I've heard from a few owners cage with cat litter on the floor of the birds. The dust factor, which is associated with litter alone, makes the use of cat litter a huge problem. Clumping litter contains ingredients that swell bedding, sometimes make an order of magnitude of its normal size, so that when they take is a huge healthDanger to your bird.

Paper Products is seemingly everywhere winner when it comes to cage liner. Easy to get (I have heard that owners get their paper from neighbors to buy end rolls of their local newspaper, and everything in between!) Is probably the most commonly used paper liners. In the U.S., all newspapers are using a soy-ink, so its safe for your bird, in the case has access to the bottom of his cage. Actually, soy ink is said to have antibacterialProperties, so it's a healthy way to ward off line to your cage and unwanted bacteria. It also has a slim risk of shapes and is easy to clean.

Cage Catchers another bird safe alternative on the market, have lately received much praise. They can easily be waxed, custom sized piece of paper sold in sheets the size of your choice. A wallet alternative to paper, they make the cleaning of your cage, easy and painless. Cage Catchers, such as paper, harbor few opportunitiesfor forms and provide little opportunity for unwanted bacteria to fester.

Whatever you decide to use, please just make sure what you're safe for your bird. We have heard the owner of pretty much everything in their cages from paper towels, aluminum foil (a big no!), On fleece, which is outsourced, and washed daily. Whatever your cage, fits your budget, and the bird what is best for you! We recommend that would examine cage to their product line orContact your local newspaper to see if you can make a bargain for their recyclables, or even the end rolls.

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