Humanity Unite Brilliance (HUB) - Love in Action

I was lucky, at the recent Humanity States United States Brilliance (HUB) Actioning Your Brilliance live event. When words are not sufficient to describe our experience, here is a poetic expression that gives you a foretaste of what may really for us.

We were welcomed by Mr. Teacher and Social Artist Jean Houston called for a "Evokoters" - the midwife of the soul. More than just a "how to" session, we learned evolutionary practices for the creation of a world that works foreach. Through archetypal embodiment, we were invited to identify a part of the story and characters, as we do. We generated our own music, dance the dream awake, the fulfillment of our Inteleky (higher is even) and enables it to receive from our brilliant reflection. Departure from the linear left brain, right brain creative expression, we used the language of Glasarania (gibberish) to awaken our creativity and to the Holy actor and Holy Fool, discovering a whole new way ofCommunicate and create.

We have shaken off "gunk" of ego with Dr. Sue Morter. We cried tears of joy when we felt we resolve the density and the lightness of Unconditional Love flowing more freely inwards and outwards through the layers of our being. We even have the feeling of fear of death are eliminated, if we really knew the indestructibility of the nature of love and light that we really are. We giggled when we saw that our challenges, like an obstacle course, we have developed forus, now we become what we were born to be. We laughed when we knew that "it is difficult until you can not"

And we have seen through evolutionary eyes of Barbara Marx Hubbard, that we have the visual cells in the caterpillar, the butterfly will be provided. We have the experience, despite the old and difficult "evolutionary drivers", the hope and the excitement caused among the early forms of a new kind of person who moves, as the universe itself,towards greater synergy and greater intelligence. And we were glad to know that it is not that we are bad or wrong, but simply wrong. We use a faulty manual and we now have the option of a new use into closer approximation to the truth.

And we have cried tears of grief with the "Angels in the Dust" film, in which the world at least consciously, against the darkest shadows of the AIDS crisis in Africa. And with Lynne Twist, Jack Canfield and the Pachamama AllianceWe have a square face of the ecological crisis of our planet. And we have the grief of their own participation in the unconsciousness of our consumer culture is perceived. We were humbled to see our own myopic focus on ourselves, in disregard of our role as stewards of the earth. We need more wiedergebunden live in the responsibility as stewards of the planet. We have through the darkness to the light, to see what is possible for our planet and have seen the new vision of a worldin balance and harmony. We have relied on these "Hospice of old hot," while a "midwife to the new", both require our attention. Later, we raised $ 280,000 for Pachamama with a generous $ 100,000 matching pledge from Jack Canfield. Wow!

We have celebrated the national launch of HUB in the U.S. and Canada, with moving words from Charlie Gay and good news from Brandon Barnum. And we danced until we were dripping with sweat (especially Brandon). And spun and leaped and shookbefore the last hard edges.

We learned from Fen Shui master Marie Diamond how important our work and living conditions in the support of our vision. And while policies are important, but more importantly clearly state what we want and demand, and get it to open.

Finally, we have learned, a student of Master Paul Scheele, how our mind works and does not process and store information. We have learned how the reptiles and mammals mind better when relaxed andContent than when stressed and anxious. And how the simple act of breathing can help. We have a profound exercise in perception and refreshing how easy it is to completely miss the beauty all around us and also how easy it is to stop them, and if we are careful.

During the event, we have known and felt our unity, not as a concept or metaphor but as the real truth of our experience. We looked into each other's eyes and seen our own sweet divine selfsmiling back at us. We feel the inseparable connection of being individual cells in the body of God. We have held the hand of being next to us and know that we were touched by the spirit. And we have polished each others mirrors so that our brilliance is more clearly reflected in the world.

We have come to see that the hub is so much more than humanitarian aid or personal development. It is absolutely (in the center hub) of the multi-faceted 12 sided wheel, so that the new socialand spiritual vehicle to roll down the street to the new emerging world. And as we develop, strengthen and lubricate that wheel, we go faster and further along this path. HUB is a central convergence of new thought and environmental and humanitarian efforts for the evolutionary leap into the next phase of the human journey. We can all be happy and proud of the founding members and evangelists for the message of true love and hope and sustainable wealth for all nationsthat represents HUB.

Humanity States United States Brilliance rocks my world and the world in a powerful and positive way. I am grateful, on board. For a taste of Love HUB in action, the video linked below.

watch sons of anarchy