Can Men Have Yeast Infections?

Yeast infections are not just a woman's problem. Although not as common as candida problems in women, candida in men -also known as a yeast overgrowth--leads to unpleasant but treatable symptoms.

When working properly, candida aids the digestive tract and protects the body from harmful bacteria. However, it is when the immune system is compromised that the candida can overgrow and become a detriment to the body. Men who have AIDS commonly suffer from oral yeast infections, but one does not have to suffer from AIDS in order to develop candida overgrowth and yeast infections.

Typically the male yeast infection is in the groin area and is known as a penile yeast infection. It can be very uncomfortable, showing itself in candida symptoms such as red rashes, itching, and burning at the head of the penis. Other possible symptoms include small, red bumps or white, cottage cheese like penile discharge. The discomfort is often heightened during and after sexual intercourse.

A doctor can help to diagnose the condition. With these types of candida symptoms it is better to receive a doctor's advice in order to rule out more severe forms of penile infections or even sexually transmitted diseases.

How does a man develop candida problems?

Sexual Contact

Unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman who suffers from a candida yeast infection makes way for the fungus to travel to the man's genitals. Once the yeast infection has developed it can be transferred between the man and woman repeatedly as long as they are not using protection.

While some consider candida in men to be a sexually transmitted disease, sexual intercourse is not the only way to develop the yeast infection.

Spermicidal Lubricant

Using condoms that contain spermicidal lubricants can cause rashes and sores on the genitals of either partner, especially if the individual tends to have sensitive, allergic skin. These injuries make the individuals more likely to contract the fungal infection. It is better to avoid spermicidal lubricants if one has a tendency for male yeast infections or extremely sensitive skin.

Low Immune System

As previously mentioned a compromised immune system is one major way candida in men becomes problematic to their health. Using antibiotics for long periods of time can tear down a man's immune system and invites illness, such as a yeast infection. Because antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria, the candida fungus can overgrow when the good bacteria isn't there to keep it in check.

Elevated Blood Sugar

Men who have diabetes or just an elevated blood sugar are more susceptible to male yeast infections. In this case especially, medical advice and proper nutrition are the best ways to get the candida condition under control.

Matthew is the developer of TheWebReviewer: Legitimate Home Based Business Reviews, and NetWebVideo: Mastering SEO, Adwords, and Affiliate Marketing. Matt currently lives in San Diego, CA and is married with two children and has been an online marketer since 2006.

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