Freestyle Rap Battles

Freestyle rap battles, when they performed at an elite level can spend some of the most entertaining way for an afternoon. Though perhaps not as popular as it was a few years ago, the freestyle rap battles are an important part of hip-culture and a great way for aspiring MCs gain respect while simultaneously their lyrical abilities. Here are some of the best places you can find online raps tough fight ...

My16Bars. This site contains a number of talentedMC's, the lyric-driven. Many online forums are not moderated well, leaving the door open for sub par trash talking, but My16Bars maintains a high level of quality and features desrving rappers with their own page and feature articles.

Jump Off TV. These guys did a great job to promote some of the best freestyle battle rapper out there done today. Watching the dynamic duo Ilmaculate Thesaurus and crush the competition in the past two years, the service hoursEntertainment. You can find tons of other fights on its web site, or search for it via YouTube.

For any interested, check-out specific battle rapper, I highly suggest (in addition to those already mentioned), Eyedea, DZK, Brother Ali, Wordsworth, Jin, Ras Kass and Kanye West () just kidding. If you get a chance to be the bonus-Eminem rap battles in 8 Mile (the real freestyle battle, not the movie) is also worthwhile.

For a detailed analysis of what aI highly suggest dope rapper Kool Moe Dee's There's a God on the Mic: The 50 greatest MCs of all time. It really breaks every rapper from dozens of skills, such as songwriting influence, fighting skills, freestyle, showmanship and industry. It is written in a large study of rap from one of the great men.

BET Freestyle Rap has organized several battles, even though his is the most popular 106 & Park, in which a weekly Battle Rap at the end of the show features. Here, Jin, one of therespected battle rapper of the decade got his big break when he (week after week, however, his competition was not) so much more than a few weeks.

Freestyle rap battles, have lost some of its popularity derived from the movie 8 Mile, but still remain out in the underground hip hop scene.

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