Sugar Gliders as pets - Main Picture Things to remember

After a sugar gliders as pets was quickly popular. This is because people have to want a pet that is in nature, while exotic playable, cuddly and cute. Sugar Glider is an animal, really on what they want to fit. Sugar Gliders are one of the sweetest pet that could have the owners, this pet has an unusual phenomenon that people feel like people who are planning to prepare their own sugar gliders as pets the care requirement that these animals should behave.

However, before sugar gliders as pets, people should first look at the history, basic needs, their properties and ways of life and other things that affect them. Knowing all that can really help with the animal, those people who plan and even with them. The pet is a member of the marsupial family, like other marsupials, the young starts her life is on the bag as the Kangaroos in the. Moreover, this animal has come from New Guinea,Indonesia and Australia, like other animals, they tend to live in the forest.

The name of the sugar glider was out of the food they eat in the rule. These cute animal feeds on nectar and juice from eucalyptus. Also, the word was derived from its ability to screen, from one place to another slide, with their skin flaps that extend from the wrist to the ankles.

This type of animal belonging to the group, the omnivorous diet consists mainly of plants andInsects, they also eat foods that are found in the wild, such as nectar, fruits, insects and small birds and even rodents. Sugar Glider is a kind of animal that live in groups, they have their social unity of the family that their train makes on the bond markets with others, including humans. Sailors can not live without the company of others, loneliness can cause depression and lead to his death.

Sugar Glider as a pet can be very playful and entertaining. As recently mentioned, they are social animals,People should consider buying at least a couple or a group in it. The animal, a social interaction and relationship needs with their owners. These animals are clean and have a small housings.

In addition, sugar gliders can live 12 to 15 years. Apart from that, they can be trained to sugar plane from one place to another slide in the house, the owner should always be aware and be vigilant when the animal outside their cage. Nails thisAnimals are sharp, they used to hold on to something when they are landing and climbing. Owners should always cut your nails to prevent any wounds. Also bare in mind that this animal has sharp teeth, even if its not aggressive, they can bite if they feel that they have been threatened and fear. Dealing with this animal takes time and patience, but it's worth it.

In addition, these animals must follow a strict diet. Ideal diet for the sugar glider are still thefamous discussed topic among keepers. However, the most common problem of the sugar glider after his health, the imbalance of phosphorus and calcium is to their diet. Too much phosphorus leads to the blocking of other nutrients that may enter the body, so malnutrition, foods that cause calcium substance have always the same amount of phosphorus. Diseases such as nutritional osteodystrophy are the cause of too much phosphorous in the body. Food supplements containingrich in calcium is strongly recommended for certain diseases, prevent the source of phosphorus.

In the case of the sugar glider should cage with a height of 24x36 cm. This size is only good for a pair of sugar glider. Although, cages that are bigger is better. The cage for this animal did not focus primarily on the ground, but on the plane. The cage wire and bars, it should climb to the sugar-screen. The interior of the cage must be tons of interests.Like your house, the cage is used as the home for this cute and cuddly toy. Pet owners can get them filled their cages with the exercise bikes, toys, ladders, ropes and knots.

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