Summer Solstice & Lunar Eclipse - a moment of great astrological alignment for 2010

fireworks astrological stirring the pot of the collective psyche this week. Is the sun moving in the sign of Cancer, 21 June with the summer solstice. There is a lunar eclipse, on June 26 and it is a Grand Cross Piazza Grande, as happens with him.

I read a great quote in an article by Stephanie Austin where he seems to cover, "It 's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is that civilization as we know it is over.Now the good news: the civilization as we know it is over. "(Swami Beyondananda)

profound changes are expected

I think we have deliberately chosen to be souls in these exciting times embody some of the most revolting changes are possible. As a divine creator, we chose this time of new dreams live on earth, after centuries of suffering in the old paradigm of Darwinian survival of the fittest. Recent research has shown that survival is actually moreSecurity services for individuals and communities in the relationship of interdependence and mutual support. This makes perfect sense, of course, is not it?

I also believe that the changes we face are primarily from our collective consciousness and individual achievement of unity among themselves and with all that is.

Many people today have lucid moments and experiences that changed their lives and their perspective. You can read the bookTranslucent Revolution Arjuna Ardagh called, where he interviewed many "normal" or "wise" we have heard a lot. This is done not only within us. Many spiritual masters such as Edgar Tolle, Abraham-Hicks and Byron Katie to talk and teach about the changes in consciousness and how to tune in more deeply and to integrate them into daily life.

Collective alarm

In the Unity movement, we see the year 2012 as an opportunity explosive, a new area in human forceConsciousness. Astrologically speaking this is already starting last year and is more evident with various astrological events, as we move toward the year 2012.

We went through various signs of the recent development: the T-Square, Uranus and Jupiter in Aries, five oppositions to Uranus and Saturn, the entry of Saturn in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn and Big is happening now spoken of the eclipse moon-Capricorn. You can find this article on my search application in the sidebar, see the keywords.

Where are we going with this? And 'good news or bad news for you? We usually in trouble when we got to a place of resistance and suffering with what it is. When we are in a position, the tree is actually tremendously exciting and joyful journey. If you try to guess the way against the current, struggling to win anyway?

Therefore, applications forare more interested in how we as individuals can go with the flow of time and always put his head above the stormy waters. And how can we be a force for good, rather than part of the problem?

Astrology is a way to raise your consciousness

I really believe in good preparation. One hundred percent of the preparation of the rule, you get excellent results if you Have a speech to write, write an article or other project concerns the intervention level on the physicalLevel of the event. But to achieve truly satisfying joy, unconditional love and true feelings of success, we must also work to make our state of consciousness. We must raise our consciousness to higher levels in order to remain in the flow of creation and personal development. It does not stop and stay happy. made life consists of constant change and impermanence.

Astrology is a very elegant way to pave the way for expansion of your consciousnessthrough a deeper understanding of time, the quality when you use the cosmic window of opportunity and ride the wave of joy. If you are interested in astrology, you are a person who is drawing the world around you mentally a deeper understanding of yourself and your environment. Want to ask questions and are open for unusual responses from a field of knowledge and wisdom outside of traditional ideologies tight.

This is a good basis forpersonal growth in ways unknown. They are the universal intelligence in order to use as a behavior that move along the collective consciousness. The changes will not change the personal impact and the whole world! This is your personal power! Can be used to see changes in the world! After I said this, we look at the constellations above:

Summer Solstice: Sun moves on Cancer

June 21st or 22nd depending on where you are onthe world marked the summer solstice and this is the longest day of the year. Most people in the northern hemisphere energetic love this time of year, if I am late, light and open air until the evening. Summer is fed at its peak and we are encouraged by the life and full of tension and elevated when exposed to a lot of solar energy.

Cancer is a water sign women. All life on earth depends on water, and all land animals, including humans, are thoughthave emerged in the oceans. So, cancer is closely linked with that of giving life and motherhood, and then a secure family environment.

The personality of the people-cancer with a wide range of personal characteristics of the inner soul of the whole landscape rich liquid. Home and family are always an important issue for this character for both men and women. They love their parents for protection and family values are highly relevant.

They are also very generous, and often what peopleWhy express their nurturing nature in the healing and care professions. They tend to be excluded from their roller coaster of emotional highs and lows are. You can also get very artistic and make good artists, actors and musicians.

There is a fullness and richness associated with cancer. Sun and water together are essential for the life of the fuel and make it even possible to grow on this planet. Without one of these energies, there would be no life.

And 'to the time of the year andobtained from the fullness of life and creation. It 'a good time to enjoy the good life and find a way to do to expand your personal knowledge of self-expression.

Lunar Eclipse Capricorn

On June 26 we have a lunar eclipse, which is a Full Moon in alignment with the sun and the earth in relation to the moon. This is done every six months, and interrupts the normal flow of galactic cosmic energy that reaches us. It facilitates change and transformation of consciousnessbig time. And it works on the subconscious level of your consciousness and the screening system. Be open for a few surprises this week, and time. It sets the tone until the next lunar eclipse in a year and a half.

This lunar eclipse is very significant, beyond the usual, because it was so soon after the solstice, and participation in the Piazza Grande of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury, all in five degrees of the four cardinal points. (Aries, Cancer,Libra, Capricorn) is significantly improved by all the individual qualities and needs related to each planet and sign marks a major turning point in human history.

I like the way Stephanie Austin describes it: "The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries awakens, and encourages us to see and do things differently. Awareness of the Sun and Mercury in Cancer us our true feelings and needs. The Pluto's moon in Capricorn and demand that we take responsibility and claim our power, whiledrive Saturn in Virgo late to focus on what the most necessary and feasible. "(Article mountain astrologer, Number 151)

Perhaps it is a balance between your heart and the integration of mind and emotions more deeply in touch with your eternal soul divine. For me, it seems that trust my inner guidance, which leads me through the good and bad feelings. Maybe it's confidence, to find that the orientation and learning, free from bad feelings from moment to moment.Life is a way we have dealt with the resistance and the business areas that have not yet solved. But you can not really go wrong in this endless dance of a life changing. We never did, or are finished with our process. So why not enjoy the trip?

I also like the work of Abraham-Hicks, who is such a good character and helps many people with auto-alignment and integration of higher consciousness in their daily lives. His book The Vortex is to helpReinvention of himself and maybe for your process can be useful. And of course there's always your connection with inner wisdom and higher consciousness available by tuning in meditation and contemplation.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, author and jeweler

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