New Moon in Gemini - June 12, 2010

Gemini rules the mind. There is an air sign and as such has much mental skills that can be used in positive or negative.

Since the energy of this New Moon is, I think that gives us the opportunity to, as we shall see with our minds and play and if he was a faithful servant (as is their duty), or a tyrant slave-master (as can be ,).

Use to love the positive aspects of your mind and give yourself the lifts so that you needfly like an eagle?

Or ... They are the negative aspects of your mind to hold more in the dark and keep for themselves caught in the victim mentality?

The New Moon allows us to leave, if you like, and each self-limiting beliefs that we think about ourselves, our situation, or the world around us.

As we said in this New Moon Usher is just 10 days earlier when the sun rises in cancer and so I think this is New Moon after uswith our minds, rather than a tyrant.

It 's time to let go, so called past mistakes regrets, fears, sadness, and we bathe in feeling joyful and happy and pleased with' our lot in life. "

No matter what your life is really all we created some good feeling - even if it's just that we breathe in our lungs or food on our tables or shelter or a smile ... What's happening in your life, what will embrace this New Moon, who knows whereonly at this time, because your soul has decided to put there.

Take the blessings and get on with a smile on your face and love in your heart - for which we are not all travelers in this way - in common?

If there are still "refer to buy" the destiny of all things financial - to know it is always a choice to feel the fear and take a breath and know that everything (even whole economies) are part of the "Plan" and all is really an act of love. Then take a breath,we know that nature as we understand it could never work and leave the soul!

The New Moon gives us the opportunity to see the world differently and free from any self-limited way of thinking.

Enjoy this New Moon in Gemini. Have fun with your friends, in writing, by e-mail, blogs, twittering, Facebooking ... anything you do to yourself, others ... Have fun and let the "need to be right and perfect" .. . Give It Up and spirit and can bring farin your wildest dreams!

Love and blessings, Julianne xxx
"If you change how you see things
The things you look at change. "
Blessing: Wayne Dyer

New Moon Ritual

Rituals are a way to mark turning points in your life. They can be used to symbolically welcome, changes in your life. The rituals can be simple or elaborate, but the important thing is your full presence in the moment. The new moon is a magical moment inBeginnings, when objectives recharge, or create new ones.

Rituals in our lives to bring the sense of "charge" the power of intention. We are always setting intentions, and this is a way to do it consciously. E 'come into power with a vision for your life and keep your eyes, as they are about. But, as you commit fully, these visions, stay flexible, like opening new doors to guarantee you do not expect.

The new moon, goals and desires take root, asYou reach the spiritual wisdom, are based on invisible allies and open the door to changing magic. Maybe get what you ask, or even slightly better if you can not even imagine.

It 'important to consult with a ritual that has meaning for you, instead of trying to follow a set of guidelines (unless you are part of a ritual construction of the group). You are someone who knows your personal history better, and what we raise from this story, what is your ritual with Power Infusion. Here are somegeneral guidelines for the design of the rituals with symbols and totems from your single life.

Sacred gather your supplies

The altar is where you collect the sacred objects - images, found objects and the like. With herbs with healing properties gives your ritual or symbolic. Stones and crystals are another powerful ally. Candles are magic, and his form contains all four elements. A small magazine at hand you can keep track ofIntentions.

Preparations for the ritual

This is the most important part of the ritual, because your commitment is the key. Take a ritual bath with sea salt near you remove any negative energy. Sage is a plant used by Native Americans to clear a space and make the sacred ritual. It 'available in most health food stores use these days and more easily to his magic wand in shape. Light at the end and blow on it to smoldering embers. Use it to your body andspace for your ritual. Clear your mind through meditation, music or just stop in your area santa evacuated.


This is something that is important at any time and for connecting with earth energy. Sign that is not grounded, mania, nervousness, racing thoughts, and so on. Too often we forget to feel the ground beneath our feet. Visualize roots in the ground, through the layers in the core and then draw the energySave your feet again. It moves through each chakra, going around the top and bottom around you. Try this or another variation of the soil before setting new Moon plans.

Special requests New Moon

After removing a sacred space and let your energy, you are ready to share your ideas. Make a list of what you want to move in your life, and Dream Big! The new moon is a time seems to evoke what is outside of the scope and vision to create the firstStep to achieve them. But these are not just words on paper - how to write down, as the intention to commit to do your part, so it is really. Some call for achieving cooperation, as we are open universal energy to make dreams into motion.

The dreams of the soul

Your intentions of desires that continue to come forward. In the days before the new moon, think of the desires and see what images, dreams and currents of thought areup to go with the symbolic associations with your intentions. Weave in the element of the new moon (ie: Gemini - something with communications, a sapphire crystal to help with intelligence chatter), and think the houses and planets are concerned. For Air New Moon, for example, you should use a candle or a pen to represent your intention. Rituals are a way of working with universal energies and draw attention to special life lessons, or Arena (home,Planets, etc.) that shines for you.

Symbolic acts

Here is where you get to be creative. If your intentions are beyond a book, or send your ideas to the world, untie them write in a helium balloon and send it on. Write on a stick and puts it in focus. Then open more of lavender and share love and a rose quartz in a small bag, along with the quality you look for and with them are sleeping under your pillow until the moon is full.


Much of the success with new moon intentions, what comes next. Finding ways to keep them in front of your consciousness. Put them in a visible or keep them in your wallet. Take notes in your journal about your progress. If the full moon means acting on these intentions and celebrate any sign of change.

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