May 2010 - Astrological News you can use

Mercury retrograde, since 18:04 is at 11:05 (03:22) to 2 degrees Taurus particular attention to the wording of your values and build a plan for implementing these values to guide your life. Make lists of things to do and then prioritize or assume you have the insight and imagination, allowing you to gradually build a roadmap on how to get there.

With the new moon at 23 ° Taurus 13:05 (18:06) That which nourishes us is always on the ground this month. Digging inthe garden or outdoor activities where you are in your body is very useful at this time. Harmony with the land by Native Americans and indigenous rituals and ground your energy.

Jupiter in Pisces opposition Saturn in Virgo 5/17-5/28, symbolizes the potential for the event (Saturn), our ideals (Jupiter). The key word here is sustainability. How can you balance your ideas or synthesize expansive with his practical skills to make things happen?

With Venus in Cancer in5/19-6/14, you have the chance to cut deeper to what is care. Ask yourself: who is the teacher cares? If you find that it's better that the reception will take time to give, to find out what it feeds.

The sun in Gemini at 20:05 20.34 points to clock our need to connect objects together to form more connections. Our task in Gemini is a variety of sensations, experiences, thoughts and encounters to create systems orTheories of knowledge that we can then share with others.

Focusing on the full moon at 6 degrees Sagittarius at 27.05 (04.08), is the emotional self-expression, idealism increased and self-care with an emphasis on our spiritual quest. Tune into your natural optimism, respect and trust that this is a larger, broader reality you are.

Uranus moves into Aries to 27/05 to 5 / 2018 provides rapid and revolutionary (Uranus) andDiscoveries and new initiatives (Aries) in engineering, science and politics. Last Uranus in Aries in the period 1927-1934 by the Great Depression and World War II and establishment of Chinese, Russian and Spanish revolutions. There is no doubt that personal freedom, either individually or collectively, will become an important issue during this period. To go with the flow of this new energy, remember what Gandhi said: "Be the change you see in the world."

JupiterUranus is in the same manner as 5/30-6/18 helps to break the shape of thought of every day, so that a higher vision of your goal to be achieved. Trying to work, bypassing the rational mind with the design, trance work, hypnosis or dream. This lets you know revolutionary insights and deeper layers, can produce an expanded vision of who you approach.

Neptune retrograde, 5/31-11/6, you can see how it is connected will be led by the Spirit. Use this retrogradePeriod before Neptune goes directly to the ground really your spiritual practice. Create a strong grounding vehicle that can run, increase energy, light and consciousness.

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