2010 turbulence and uncertainty - a time for Opportunity

If you are restless and anxious, feel like the world out of control and maybe your life they feel is doing the same thing, I know there is a reason for such feelings. Making the program newsletter and you'll see, great anxiety, violence, confusion and fear of the great world, with a continuous surgence natural disasters, economic problems and a variety of situations rather devastating.

We are rapidly approaching a major change in our country and life, and it is veryscientific reason for this change. Our solar system is constantly moving and shifting, and how there is often a feeling that our turbulent life. Now is a time like this. There's anxiety with a sense of foundation movement.

It 'hard to imagine that the planets light years away can affect us on earth are. However, magnetic fields of planets on our lives. They affect us personally and globally. From May 27 UranusAries registered for the first time in 84 years, and remain there until mid-August again next spring for another six years. On June 6, Jupiter occurs, so that Uranus and Jupiter are also united in 0 degrees of Aries Aries at 0 degrees. We have not seen this combination of Uranus and Jupiter in over 200 years - in fact, not since the time of the Revolutionary War. This summer we will announce the start of a famous astrological event as a Cardinal Grand Cross, around June 26, in whichseveral planets will be aligned to form a cross. This important aspect will be a strong influence on the birth charts for both the United States and the Federal Reserve.

A solar eclipse takes place on July 11. the U.S. birth chart with Sagittarius rising with, one might expect to see the American economy has dominated the news, but it can also be increased earthquake activity. July 29 to 30, will host the opportunity for explosive power as a planet near the four or 0 degrees.problems can explode deep relationship both personally and globally, can break more volcanoes. People can impulsivity and explosiveness with bad verdict, with a severe and immediate consequences. new leadership can emerge and thus higher levels of consciousness easier to achieve. Signs will show the changes of a new world of things to come in a Moment's Notice! There will be growth opportunities at all levels - creativity, patience, resilience andIngenuity. People may feel as if they were in a place where all that is left, what is most important to them naked.

Astrologers have observed the approach to this phenomenon for some years. Nobody knows for sure how this energy will play, but these events could possibly beyond all expectations this year. It is not something to fear, but conscious and therefore willing to experience, is the unknown that creates so much fear in us.Many say that this is the nadir of emptying the bladder loses last broadcast for the last year. Although a low point will occur in late July, the country and the world for some time will experience low.

Looking back at your life and you will see that despite many problems and embarrassing situations in your life has come, has made it. Finally you're here reading this right now to try this! So, once again, no matter what happens in the coming months,And 'you can probably do with what comes your way. Most of the time when facts seem as if they were on his head, get stronger and show our strength, making it an amazing winner.

I think that whenever we have something devastating or difficult experiences in our lives, we only have a fantastic opportunity. When times are tough, it's time to open our ingenuity. Perhaps it means to restore and regroup before returning to the front, or perhapsmeans moving into a new direction, not just the old way. Those who have been successful, probably share a moment do not seem, at least in the world. E '"failure" or doctrines, which have contributed to their success today.

So we are rapidly approaching the age of opportunity, because when we hit the ground in the coming months, we must make a choice. We intend to hang with the fear and get angry, fearful,disappointed and devastated, and we will get up and decide to provide us with force and determination, and create a better life and world? It 's always a choice, and response to the situation in question. Are you committed to life and create as you wish, you know, what appears to be outdated for you, or are on the cover where you stumble a pebble, angry and complaining because you do not like your skin causes the knee?

Our world is made of duality.If something goes down, it's something to something else. When it is dark there is light somewhere else. After the storm comes, there are ways to circumvent the sunshine and, perhaps, a beautiful rainbow. When there are new devastation. life changes, the process of being outside your comfort zone in a temporary cast pit, but out into new territory, which has the potential to be better than what was previously added, according to your resilience and enterprise.

In those circumstancesDrop deflated at the bottom in the coming months, no matter what you show in your life or the world, use it as a chance to start over, create your dreams from the bottom if necessary. It 'time for big changes in our lives and our world, to remember the time, which is really important, what really matters. Are you a light worker, who lit the way, and those help, stumbled through their darkness?

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