November 2009 - News you can use Astrology

Saturn in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn 11/1-15 bring the potential for a breakthrough in the peace process, both globally and personally. With the Saturn / Pluto aspects, there is an enormous amount of energy, which is under pressure. The best way to address this step to be ready to let go of Law. What is fair, just and equal way to get static forms and structures, the more astringent and serve.

With the full moon at 10 degrees Taurus 02:1112.14 clock, the emphasis is on listening to the needs of your body. Use the full moon in Taurus, get in touch with your needs for touch, sensuality, nature and care of your body.

Venus in Scorpio 11/7-12/1, asks you to find the attention to the strong emotions that most people, difficult to treat - anger, intense anger to pay, jealousy, longing and pain. Venus in Scorpio encourages you to explore your emotional depths - and access and the release of more life and vitalityYour relationships.

With Mercury in Sagittarius 11/15/12/5, the focus is on expanding your mental capabilities. Energy Shooter helps you in your natural wisdom tap water instead of relying on external knowledge. It 's time to get your natural way to learn and share your wisdom with the world of trust.

The New Moon in Scorpio 24 degrees turn 12:14 am 16:11 clock, old ways of being that helps keep you from sharing with each other deeply. The New Moon in Scorpio helpsYou speak your truth closer and honor the passion and intensity of your feelings.

The Sun enters Sagittarius 09:23 to 21:11 clock demonstrates the principle that sense shooters by accessing higher mind (wisdom) and not created by the concrete mind (knowledge). Our task is, while the shooter to open our minds to a more philosophical and spiritual understanding so that we can be vessels for universal wisdom.

With Venus in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius11/25-27, there are strong links about idealism. Search to see if they are either too idealize your partner or your own projection of feelings and emotional drama to them. It 's time to see the "pink glasses and were created by emotional illusions.

Jupiter in the same way as the Chiron Aquarius 11/28-12/15, brought the issue to heal the alienation. Everyone always has our own person regardless of what others feel or think they want to do.With Chiron and Jupiter in Aquarius, it's time, no injury are round, not suitable for healing in.
