Moving House - Astrological Disaster

Moving is a big event, and if your wrong move can get serious.

You must resolve contracts and finance, get a van to ensure that services are treated, and so on.

But the only thing to do is forget a lot of people to consult an astrologer. And if you move into a house or an apartment for the first time, you must ensure that the situation is favorable astrological.

It seemed that astrologers should check all peoplethe positions of the planets, before moving one. I usually do not, but this time I did not. Or rather, I did check, but I ignored my own warnings, for reasons of convenience.

Then, three months ago I moved into an apartment with the Moon in Pisces, a stressful aspect of 180 degrees to Saturn in Virgo. If you have studied astrology for two days, we know that this was bad news. You should also know that water could be a problem would have been to the moonto sign an internship in water.

As expected, the last three months were a nightmare. The Internet has six weeks to arrive, the toilet leaked, the sink leaked, there was black mold in the bedroom ... and the owner has little or nothing.

Three months passed, and it was soon time to pay the landlord for rent three months. Time to go! In fact I'm writing in an empty apartment to move in the tail of a hectic Christmas period.

Please, please, please, ifHave you read this, it is not my fault. If you moved into a new property, provided astrology. And if the astrological situation is bad, the move immediately.

But perhaps I was unhappy fate of three months? Answers on a postcard.
